
  • Hi,

    I've a webform that has five fields,, the first four fields has textboxes and the fifth one is a checkbox list. All the data of textboxes has to be saved in a table tbl_Workshop.

    the checkbox list has list of trainers, a user can select for that particular wokrshop.. the checkbox selected items should go in tbl_WorkshopTrainers that has columns workshopId and trainerID.

    I wrote a below storedprocedure to insert the webform data into my db.

    but this is taking just one trainerID, how abt inserting as many trainers as the user selects from the chkboxlist?

    alter procedure sp_InsertWorkshopTrainers


    @Title as varchar(50),

    @Topic as varchar(50),

    @Date as date,

    @Duration as varchar(50),

    @CreatedDate as date,

    @UpdatedDate as date,

    @TrainerID as int



    begin try

    begin transaction tr_Insert

    insert into dbo.tbl_Workshop


    declare @WorkshopID as int


    insert into dbo.tbl_WorkshopTrainer


    commit transaction

    end try

    begin catch

    rollback transaction tr_insert

    end catch

  • What do you pass to the @TrainerID argument when you have multiple selection?

    Igor Micev,My blog:

  • Thts what my question is..

  • You can write your stored procedure with a table-valued parameter instead of scalar parameters. You'd need to use an OUTPUT clause on your INSERT statement instead of relying on SCOPE_IDENTITY.


  • If you pass multiple TrainerID-s delimited, than you can parse them in the stored procedure and execute this insert

    insert into dbo.tbl_Workshop


    as many times as the trainer ids there are in the passed string.

    Another option is by using TVPs.



    Igor Micev,My blog:

  • Can I know how to use TVP in my stored procedure?

  • rani_sals (1/24/2014)

    Can I know how to use TVP in my stored procedure?

    You can read about them here.

    The basis gist of it is that you first create the type, then in your client application you would then need to populate the table variable and finally pass it in to your proc. Once inside your proc you can join to that parameter just like you would any other table.


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Thanks. So I tried this code, but it gives me error saying I must declare @TrainerID,, when I've already done that.

    Create type dbo.tvpTID As TABLE


    TrainerID int not null,

    primary key (TrainerID)



    alter procedure sp_InsertWorkshopTrainers


    @Title as varchar(50),

    @Topic as varchar(50),

    @Date as date,

    @Duration as varchar(50),

    @CreatedDate as date,

    @UpdatedDate as date,

    @tvpTID tvpTID Readonly



    begin try

    begin transaction tr_Insert

    insert into dbo.tbl_Workshop


    declare @TrainerID as tvpTID, @WorkshopID as int


    insert into dbo.tbl_WorkshopTrainer


    commit transaction

    end try

    begin catch

    rollback transaction tr_insert

    end catch

  • rani_sals (1/24/2014)

    Thanks. So I tried this code, but it gives me error saying I must declare @TrainerID,, when I've already done that.

    That is pretty close. Remember that your user defined type is not functioning as a table. What you did is declare a new instance of that datatype but didn't put anything in it.

    This should be pretty close (I formatted this for legibility).

    CREATE type dbo.tvpTID AS TABLE ( TrainerID int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (TrainerID) )


    ALTER PROCEDURE Sp_insertworkshoptrainers (@Title AS VARCHAR(50),

    @Topic AS VARCHAR(50),

    @Date AS DATE,

    @Duration AS VARCHAR(50),

    @CreatedDate AS DATE,

    @UpdatedDate AS DATE,

    @tvpTID TVPTID Readonly)


    BEGIN try


    INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_Workshop

    VALUES (@Title,






    DECLARE @WorkshopID AS INT

    SET @WorkshopID=Scope_identity()

    INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_WorkshopTrainer

    SELECT TrainerID,


    FROM @tvpTID


    END try

    BEGIN catch


    END catch


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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Oh okay!

    Well now to call this SP for UI, I use this below code.. but what do I have to pass as the tvp object parameter, to enter the selected chkboxlist items.

    my UI shows the trainers name so first I'm fetching their ID's and then have to pass the same as tvp object.

    string r = CheckBoxListTrainers.Items.ToString();

    DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_Trainer1TableAdapter tt = new DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_Trainer1TableAdapter();

    DataSet1.tbl_Trainer1DataTable dt = tt.GetDataBy(r); // this getDataBy() calls for a SP that takes the id and returns its name from tbl_Trainer

    int id = int.Parse(dt.Rows.ToString()); // here I'm getting an error saying input string in not in the correct format

    DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_WorkshopTrainerTableAdapter ta = new DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_WorkshopTrainerTableAdapter();

    ta.sp_InsertWorkshopTrainers(txtTitle.Text, txtTopic.Text, DateTime.Now, txtDuration.Text, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now,id); // here id is an object tvp that has to passed in the SP

  • rani_sals (1/25/2014)

    Oh okay!

    Well now to call this SP for UI, I use this below code.. but what do I have to pass as the tvp object parameter, to enter the selected chkboxlist items.

    my UI shows the trainers name so first I'm fetching their ID's and then have to pass the same as tvp object.

    string r = CheckBoxListTrainers.Items.ToString();

    DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_Trainer1TableAdapter tt = new DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_Trainer1TableAdapter();

    DataSet1.tbl_Trainer1DataTable dt = tt.GetDataBy(r); // this getDataBy() calls for a SP that takes the id and returns its name from tbl_Trainer

    int id = int.Parse(dt.Rows.ToString()); // here I'm getting an error saying input string in not in the correct format

    DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_WorkshopTrainerTableAdapter ta = new DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_WorkshopTrainerTableAdapter();

    ta.sp_InsertWorkshopTrainers(txtTitle.Text, txtTopic.Text, DateTime.Now, txtDuration.Text, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now,id); // here id is an object tvp that has to passed in the SP

    You need to read up a bit on tvp and how they work. You also need to think through what you are doing here. Your parameter is a table, not an int.

    Your first error is because you are trying to get the rows collection of your datatable and parse it as an int. That doesn't make sense. There are a number of .net objects that can populate a tvp. From looking at your code, the easiest is probably to use a datatable.


    Need help? Help us help you.

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    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • If I try something like this:

    How to pass a tvp in C#?

    protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxListTrainers.Items)


    if (item.Selected)


    DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_Trainer1TableAdapter tt = new DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_Trainer1TableAdapter();

    DataSet1.tbl_Trainer1DataTable dt = tt.GetDataBy(item.Text);

    int i = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString()); // i gives me ID's of the selected trainers



    DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_WorkshopTrainerTableAdapter ta = new DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_WorkshopTrainerTableAdapter();

    ta.sp_InsertWorkshopTrainers(txtTitle.Text, txtTopic.Text, DateTime.Now, txtDuration.Text, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now,*???*); // What to pass as a TVP for the trainerID's???


  • protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


    DataTable dataTable = new DataTable("tvpTID");

    dataTable.Columns.Add("TrainerID", typeof(Int32));

    foreach (ListItem item in CheckBoxListTrainers.Items)


    if (item.Selected)


    DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_Trainer1TableAdapter tt = new DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_Trainer1TableAdapter();

    DataSet1.tbl_Trainer1DataTable dt = tt.GetDataBy(item.Text);

    int i = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());




    DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_WorkshopTrainerTableAdapter ta = new DataSet1TableAdapters.tbl_WorkshopTrainerTableAdapter();

    ta.sp_InsertWorkshopTrainers(txtTitle.Text, txtTopic.Text, DateTime.Now, txtDuration.Text, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, dataTable);

    Response.Write("Workshop added successfully");



    THis worked well for me. THanks everyone who tried helping me:)

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