Stored procedure working very slow


    @lPatient int,



    @nClassLevel int=5,








    Declare @lUser int,@lUserActionMappingTable int

    select @luser=lUser from map_userToOffice where lid=@lMap_UserToOffice

    set @lUserActionMappingTable=32

    --Disable the AOS SECURITY FOR CPP

    if @nSecurityLevel=2 set @nSecurityLevel=1

    if @lMap_UserToOffice>0 and @nSecurityLevel>=2 -- if there is a user and masking is on(bit 1=enabled masking)



    declare @dCurDate datetime, @lOffset int

    --set @dCurDate=getDate()-- may need to adjust this for users timezone

    exec SESSION_GetUserDate

    @lUser =@luser ,@dUserDate =@dCurDate OUTPUT,@lOffset=@lOffset OUTPUT--This gets the date in the users timezone


    Get the permission ID for this section....


    declare @lCustodianPermission int

    select @lCustodianPermission =lid from Custodian_Permissions where szcode='CPP'

    declare @PhysiciansAccess table (lPhysician int primary key)

    insert into @PhysiciansAccess (lPhysician)

    select m.lPhysician from map_UserToCustodian m

    inner join map_UserToCustodian_permissions cp on cp.lmap_UserToCustodian=m.lid and cp.lCustodianpermission=@lCustodianPermission

    where m.lUser=@luser and m.nRecordStatus=1 and m.bAllPatient=1 and isNull(m.dStartDate,'1900-01-01')<=@dCurDate and isnull(m.dEndDate,'9000-01-01')>=@dCurDate


    select lPhysician from map_UserToCustodian m

    inner join map_UserToCustodian_Per_patient p on p.lmap_UserToCustodian=m.lid

    inner join map_UserToCustodian_permissions cp on cp.lmap_UserToCustodian_Per_Patient=p.lid and lCustodianpermission=@lCustodianPermission

    where lUser=@luser and m.nRecordStatus=1 and p.nRecordStatus=1 and bAllPatient=0 and p.lPatient=@lPatient

    and isNull(p.dStartDate,'1900-01-01')<=@dCurDate and isNull(p.dEndDate,'9000-01-01')>=@dCurDate--only get if the expiry dates are valid

    --select * from @PhysiciansAccess

    declare @OfficeAccess table (lOffice int primary key)


    go get all offices that the patient is a member of

    filter out offices that this patient has a custodain and that custodain did not allow access to this user

    Note: there is no need to filter by section for this query. The Section has been filtered above, and is used in the @PhysiciansAccess list

    NOTE: the default values for office is -1 if the information was recorded without an office. This means that it is always accessable.


    insert into @OfficeAccess (lOffice) values(0)

    insert into @OfficeAccess (lOffice)

    select map.loffice from

    map_PatientToOffice map

    inner join map_PatientAtOfficeToCustodian mapc on mapc.lpatient=map.lpatient and mapc.loffice=map.loffice

    inner join @PhysiciansAccess PA on PA.lphysician=mapc.lPhysician

    where map.lpatient=@lPatient

    --and PA.lPhysician is not null


    select map.loffice from

    map_PatientToOffice map

    left join map_PatientAtOfficeToCustodian mapc on mapc.lpatient=map.lpatient and mapc.loffice=map.loffice

    where map.lpatient=@lPatient

    and isNull(mapc.lPhysician,0) <=0


    SELECT a.*, b.szDescription, p.dDateOrdered, p.dDateSignedOff, p.szLaboratory, p.dDateCollected

    ,Case when exists (select * from


    inner join map_UserAtOfficeToRole mapRole on mapRole.lUserRole=mask_Role.lRole

    inner join map_userTOoffice map on map.lid=mapRole.lMap_userToOffice

    where mask_role.nMappingTable=@lUserActionMappingTable

    and map.lUser=@luser

    and mask_role.lRowID=p.lid

    and mask_role.nMaskStatus=1

    )THEN 1

    WHen Mu.lid is not null

    THEN 1

    else 0


    as bMask

    FROM [PhysicianLabReportsTests] a

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReports] p ON p.lID=a.lLabReport

    JOIN [LaboratoryTest] b ON b.lID=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    left Join Mask_User MU on MU.nMappingTable=@lUserActionMappingTable and MU.lUser=@luser and MU.lRowID=p.lid and MU.nMaskStatus=1

    left join @PhysiciansAccess PA on (PA.lPhysician=p.lPhysician) --LEFT Join for all the physicains the user has access to ALL patient data recorded under that physician

    left join @OfficeAccess O on O.loffice=p.loffice--LEFT Join for all the offices the user has access to ALL patient data in that office

    WHERE (p.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy<>'auto'

    AND a.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    and p.nclassificationlevel>=@nClassLevel

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport=y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    AND y.bSignedOff=1)) = 0




    -- AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy='auto'

    AND a.bAdd2CPP = 1

    AND a.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    and p.nclassificationlevel>=@nClassLevel

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport=y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    and Z.bAdd2CPP = 1

    -- AND y.bSignedOff=1

    )) = 0


    and isnull(PA.lPhysician,O.lOffice) is not null--Only return records if EITHER of the left joins returned a matching record

    ORDER BY b.szDescription


    else if @lMap_UserToOffice>0 and @nSecurityLevel>=1 -- if there is a user and masking is on(bit 1=enabled masking)


    SELECT a.*, b.szDescription, p.dDateOrdered, p.dDateSignedOff, p.szLaboratory, p.dDateCollected

    ,Case when exists (select * from


    inner join map_UserAtOfficeToRole mapRole on mapRole.lUserRole=mask_Role.lRole

    inner join map_userTOoffice map on map.lid=mapRole.lMap_userToOffice

    where mask_role.nMappingTable=@lUserActionMappingTable

    and map.lUser=@luser

    and mask_role.lRowID=p.lid

    and mask_role.nMaskStatus=1

    )THEN 1

    WHen Mu.lid is not null

    THEN 1

    else 0


    as bMask

    FROM [PhysicianLabReportsTests] a

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReports] p ON p.lID=a.lLabReport

    JOIN [LaboratoryTest] b ON b.lID=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    left Join Mask_User MU on MU.nMappingTable=@lUserActionMappingTable and MU.lUser=@luser and MU.lRowID=p.lid and MU.nMaskStatus=1

    WHERE (p.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy<>'auto'

    AND a.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    and p.nclassificationlevel>=@nClassLevel

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport=y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    AND y.bSignedOff=1)) = 0




    -- AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy='auto'

    AND a.bAdd2CPP = 1

    AND a.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    and p.nclassificationlevel>=@nClassLevel

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport=y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    and Z.bAdd2CPP = 1

    -- AND y.bSignedOff=1

    )) = 0


    ORDER BY b.szDescription




    SELECT a.*, b.szDescription, p.dDateOrdered, p.dDateSignedOff, p.szLaboratory,0 as bMask, p.dDateCollected

    FROM [PhysicianLabReportsTests] a

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReports] p ON p.lID=a.lLabReport

    JOIN [LaboratoryTest] b ON b.lID=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    WHERE (p.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy<>'auto'

    AND a.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport=y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    AND y.bSignedOff=1)) = 0




    -- AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy='auto'

    AND a.bAdd2CPP = 1

    AND a.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport=y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient=@lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest=a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus=@nRecordStatus

    and Z.bAdd2CPP = 1

    -- AND y.bSignedOff=1

    )) = 0


    ORDER BY b.szDescription




  • Please post table definitions, index definitions and execution plan, as per

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Phew!!! That is a lot of unformatted code to read.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.NIC_CPP_LABRESULTS_GetReviewedPatientLabTests_AOS @lPatient INT,

    @nRecordStatus INT,

    @nClassLevel INT = 5,

    @nSecurityLevel INT = 0,

    @lMap_UserToOffice INT = 0




    DECLARE @lUser INT,

    @lUserActionMappingTable INT

    SELECT @luser = lUser

    FROM map_userToOffice

    WHERE lid = @lMap_UserToOffice

    SET @lUserActionMappingTable = 32

    --Disable the AOS SECURITY FOR CPP

    IF @nSecurityLevel = 2

    SET @nSecurityLevel = 1

    IF @lMap_UserToOffice > 0

    AND @nSecurityLevel >= 2 -- if there is a user and masking is on(bit 1=enabled masking)




    @lOffset INT

    --set @dCurDate=getDate()-- may need to adjust this for users timezone

    EXEC SESSION_GetUserDate @lUser = @luser,

    @dUserDate = @dCurDate OUTPUT,

    @lOffset = @lOffset OUTPUT --This gets the date in the users timezone


    Get the permission ID for this section....


    DECLARE @lCustodianPermission INT

    SELECT @lCustodianPermission = lid

    FROM Custodian_Permissions

    WHERE szcode = 'CPP'

    DECLARE @PhysiciansAccess TABLE (lPhysician INT PRIMARY KEY)

    INSERT INTO @PhysiciansAccess (lPhysician)

    SELECT m.lPhysician

    FROM map_UserToCustodian m

    INNER JOIN map_UserToCustodian_permissions cp ON cp.lmap_UserToCustodian = m.lid

    AND cp.lCustodianpermission = @lCustodianPermission

    WHERE m.lUser = @luser

    AND m.nRecordStatus = 1

    AND m.bAllPatient = 1

    AND isNull(m.dStartDate, '1900-01-01') <= @dCurDate

    AND isnull(m.dEndDate, '9000-01-01') >= @dCurDate


    SELECT lPhysician

    FROM map_UserToCustodian m

    INNER JOIN map_UserToCustodian_Per_patient p ON p.lmap_UserToCustodian = m.lid

    INNER JOIN map_UserToCustodian_permissions cp ON cp.lmap_UserToCustodian_Per_Patient = p.lid

    AND lCustodianpermission = @lCustodianPermission

    WHERE lUser = @luser

    AND m.nRecordStatus = 1

    AND p.nRecordStatus = 1

    AND bAllPatient = 0

    AND p.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND isNull(p.dStartDate, '1900-01-01') <= @dCurDate

    AND isNull(p.dEndDate, '9000-01-01') >= @dCurDate --only get if the expiry dates are valid

    --select * from @PhysiciansAccess

    DECLARE @OfficeAccess TABLE (lOffice INT PRIMARY KEY)


    go get all offices that the patient is a member of

    filter out offices that this patient has a custodain and that custodain did not allow access to this user

    Note: there is no need to filter by section for this query. The Section has been filtered above, and is used in the @PhysiciansAccess list

    NOTE: the default values for office is -1 if the information was recorded without an office. This means that it is always accessable.


    INSERT INTO @OfficeAccess (lOffice)

    VALUES (0)

    INSERT INTO @OfficeAccess (lOffice)

    SELECT map.loffice

    FROM map_PatientToOffice map

    INNER JOIN map_PatientAtOfficeToCustodian mapc ON mapc.lpatient = map.lpatient

    AND mapc.loffice = map.loffice

    INNER JOIN @PhysiciansAccess PA ON PA.lphysician = mapc.lPhysician

    WHERE map.lpatient = @lPatient

    --and PA.lPhysician is not null


    SELECT map.loffice

    FROM map_PatientToOffice map

    LEFT JOIN map_PatientAtOfficeToCustodian mapc ON mapc.lpatient = map.lpatient

    AND mapc.loffice = map.loffice

    WHERE map.lpatient = @lPatient

    AND isNull(mapc.lPhysician, 0) <= 0


    SELECT a.*,








    SELECT *

    FROM mask_role

    INNER JOIN map_UserAtOfficeToRole mapRole ON mapRole.lUserRole = mask_Role.lRole

    INNER JOIN map_userTOoffice map ON map.lid = mapRole.lMap_userToOffice

    WHERE mask_role.nMappingTable = @lUserActionMappingTable

    AND map.lUser = @luser

    AND mask_role.lRowID = p.lid

    AND mask_role.nMaskStatus = 1


    THEN 1


    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS bMask

    FROM [PhysicianLabReportsTests] a

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReports] p ON p.lID = a.lLabReport

    INNER JOIN [LaboratoryTest] b ON b.lID = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    LEFT JOIN Mask_User MU ON MU.nMappingTable = @lUserActionMappingTable

    AND MU.lUser = @luser

    AND MU.lRowID = p.lid

    AND MU.nMaskStatus = 1

    LEFT JOIN @PhysiciansAccess PA ON (PA.lPhysician = p.lPhysician) --LEFT Join for all the physicains the user has access to ALL patient data recorded under that physician

    LEFT JOIN @OfficeAccess O ON O.loffice = p.loffice --LEFT Join for all the offices the user has access to ALL patient data in that office

    WHERE (

    p.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND p.bSignedOff = 1

    AND p.szFiledBy <> 'auto'

    AND a.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND p.nclassificationlevel >= @nClassLevel

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (

    SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport = y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND y.bSignedOff = 1

    )) = 0


    OR (

    p.lPatient = @lPatient

    -- AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy = 'auto'

    AND a.bAdd2CPP = 1

    AND a.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND p.nclassificationlevel >= @nClassLevel

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (

    SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport = y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND Z.bAdd2CPP = 1

    -- AND y.bSignedOff=1

    )) = 0


    AND isnull(PA.lPhysician, O.lOffice) IS NOT NULL --Only return records if EITHER of the left joins returned a matching record

    ORDER BY b.szDescription



    IF @lMap_UserToOffice > 0

    AND @nSecurityLevel >= 1 -- if there is a user and masking is on(bit 1=enabled masking)


    SELECT a.*,








    SELECT *

    FROM mask_role

    INNER JOIN map_UserAtOfficeToRole mapRole ON mapRole.lUserRole = mask_Role.lRole

    INNER JOIN map_userTOoffice map ON map.lid = mapRole.lMap_userToOffice

    WHERE mask_role.nMappingTable = @lUserActionMappingTable

    AND map.lUser = @luser

    AND mask_role.lRowID = p.lid

    AND mask_role.nMaskStatus = 1


    THEN 1


    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS bMask

    FROM [PhysicianLabReportsTests] a

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReports] p ON p.lID = a.lLabReport

    INNER JOIN [LaboratoryTest] b ON b.lID = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    LEFT JOIN Mask_User MU ON MU.nMappingTable = @lUserActionMappingTable

    AND MU.lUser = @luser

    AND MU.lRowID = p.lid

    AND MU.nMaskStatus = 1

    WHERE (

    p.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND p.bSignedOff = 1

    AND p.szFiledBy <> 'auto'

    AND a.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND p.nclassificationlevel >= @nClassLevel

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (

    SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport = y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND y.bSignedOff = 1

    )) = 0


    OR (

    p.lPatient = @lPatient

    -- AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy = 'auto'

    AND a.bAdd2CPP = 1

    AND a.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND p.nclassificationlevel >= @nClassLevel

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (

    SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport = y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND Z.bAdd2CPP = 1

    -- AND y.bSignedOff=1

    )) = 0


    ORDER BY b.szDescription




    SELECT a.*,





    0 AS bMask,


    FROM [PhysicianLabReportsTests] a

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReports] p ON p.lID = a.lLabReport

    INNER JOIN [LaboratoryTest] b ON b.lID = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    WHERE (

    p.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND p.bSignedOff = 1

    AND p.szFiledBy <> 'auto'

    AND a.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (

    SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport = y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND y.bSignedOff = 1

    )) = 0


    OR (

    p.lPatient = @lPatient

    -- AND p.bSignedOff=1

    AND p.szFiledBy = 'auto'

    AND a.bAdd2CPP = 1

    AND a.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND DateDiff(d, p.dDateCollected, (

    SELECT Max(y.dDateCollected)

    FROM [PhysicianLabReports] y

    INNER JOIN [PhysicianLabReportsTests] z ON z.lLabReport = y.lID

    WHERE y.lPatient = @lPatient

    AND z.lPhysicianLabTest = a.lPhysicianLabTest

    AND z.nRecordStatus = @nRecordStatus

    AND Z.bAdd2CPP = 1

    -- AND y.bSignedOff=1

    )) = 0


    ORDER BY b.szDescription




    There seems to be a number of things that might cause this to be slow. You have a number of UNION, you also have a number of nonSARGable predicates. To be honest your queries that are unioned seem to be unnecessary. They are the exact same query except that the second one has additional filtering requirements. That means that ALL the rows in the second are already there in the first query.

    All that aside the biggest performance issue is because you have multiple execution paths. That means that based on certain conditions you execute entirely different blocks of code.

    Check out Gail's article about this topic and some of the best ways to overcome this.[/url]


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • This SP is running ON

    Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager

    Microsoft Corporation

    Version: 8.0

  • can you please post the changes you like to make then i will test it?


  • huum (7/18/2013)

    This SP is running ON

    Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager

    Microsoft Corporation

    Version: 8.0

    There is nothing like table definitions, index definitions and execution plan as Gail requested, and what you posted is nothing like table definitions, index definitions and execution plan.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Please read the article I posted as well as the blog post that Sean referenced.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • huum (7/18/2013)

    can you please post the changes you like to make then i will test it?


    Are you asking me to spend a whole day to try to restructure your code with no tables and no problem definition for a stored proc that is nearly 300 lines long? Then when I am done you will test it and see how I did? How much are you paying me for this?


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • No no as you mentioned about un necessary repetative part of SP, thats what i meant

  • Thank you SIr

  • huum (7/18/2013)

    No no as you mentioned about un necessary repetative part of SP, thats what i meant

    Ahh gotcha. 😉

    Consider this piece of code.

    INSERT INTO @OfficeAccess (lOffice)

    SELECT map.loffice

    FROM map_PatientToOffice map

    INNER JOIN map_PatientAtOfficeToCustodian mapc ON mapc.lpatient = map.lpatient

    AND mapc.loffice = map.loffice

    INNER JOIN @PhysiciansAccess PA ON PA.lphysician = mapc.lPhysician

    WHERE map.lpatient = @lPatient

    --and PA.lPhysician is not null


    SELECT map.loffice

    FROM map_PatientToOffice map

    LEFT JOIN map_PatientAtOfficeToCustodian mapc ON mapc.lpatient = map.lpatient

    AND mapc.loffice = map.loffice

    WHERE map.lpatient = @lPatient

    AND isNull(mapc.lPhysician, 0) <= 0

    Those two queries are VERY similar. I am assuming that since you used UNION you want to exclude duplicates?

    I don't have a table to work with to test but I THINK this should do the same thing.

    INSERT INTO @OfficeAccess (lOffice)

    SELECT map.loffice

    FROM map_PatientToOffice map

    INNER JOIN map_PatientAtOfficeToCustodian mapc ON mapc.lpatient = map.lpatient

    AND mapc.loffice = map.loffice

    left /*INNER JOIN*/ @PhysiciansAccess PA ON PA.lphysician = mapc.lPhysician

    WHERE map.lpatient = @lPatient

    and (PA.lPhysician is not null or isNull(mapc.lPhysician, 0) <= 0)

    group by map.loffice

    Assuming that returns the same data this would be a lot simpler. I think you could do something similar to the first insert/union too.


    Need help? Help us help you.

    Read the article at for best practices on asking questions.

    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns -
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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