Too many parallel nested transactions

  • Just recentally we have started to get dump files with the following description:

    Description: Too many parallel nested transactions

    When this happens and the dump files start to get created the server starts begins to time out making the applications crash.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how/what i can do to try and track down this error so i can see what caused it and keep it from happening in the future.



  • We have the most recent service pack (sp4). I am going to start by testing the MAXDOP, i know it will not fix the source of the issue but at least it should not allow it to happen. (When we get the error all the system resources are getting used which is what is causing the server to become none responsive.)

    ***Stack Dump being sent to D:\Data\LOG\SQLDump0005.txt

    * ********************************************************



    * 06/10/13 17:32:22 spid 148


    * Location: lckmgr.cpp:385

    * Expression: 0

    * SPID: 148

    * Process ID: 14140

    * Description: Too many parallel nested transactions


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