Line chart not showing multiple series data

  • I have a line graph chart which should display either a single or multiple series. It has three variables which can be set - these variables allow selection of single or multiple values.

    When I run the report with single specific values set for all variables, the chart correctly displays a single series as expected. This works fine.

    However when I set any of the variables to include multiple values, no data is displayed. The legend shows the correct multiple series as expected, and the Y axis scales to show the expected data range. However no lines appear on the chart.

    If I run the stored procedure behind the report manually with any combination of variables, the correct data is returned. If I create a report which is exactly the same except that it displays the data in a table rather than a graph, it also returns the correct data. Therefore this seems to be working fine ... but still no lines appear!

    This is for SSRS 2008 R2.

    Does anyone have any ideas what this might be?


    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • When using a multivalue parameter with stored procedures, the actual "value" that gets passed to the stored procedure is a single string with all the selected parameters separated by a comma... If you do not use an SP, but embedded the query in the SSRS dataset, SSRS handles the parsing of the multivalue parameter. To get around the issue in an stored procedure, you will need to parse out the values within the SP.... Here is one example of doing that:[/url]

  • Thanks, yeah I had run into that particular issue previously, but it has been sorted out in this case.

    It turns out that the issue seems to be the same one that (at least according to the Internet) causes most problems like this - the EmptyPoint colour needs to be set to something other than Automatic. When this is done, the data series lines appear ... but all in the same colour. There are workarounds, and I guess I'll have to investigate those.

    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • I am also having many problems with the line chart series thing, this question attracted me but I don't have a good idea. Hope some UI chart control helps.

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