The SSIS package keeps forgetting the password

  • I have a SSIS Package that is giving me an error connection

    'Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Login failed for user.....

    The package does not remember password.

    Im connecting to a SQL Server 2005 box using its user_password with sysadmin role.

    The SSIS package runs fine when you first set up the connection in bids

    The bottom line is that SSIS keeps forgetting the password I feed into

    the two Connections that I'm using. I double-click a connection,

    type the password in, check "Save my password" and hit "OK" but the

    password disappears from there whenever I run the package or

    double-click the connection again.

    Is anyone know what to do!! please help!! I have a very short time to deploy this package in production.

  • The first thing I would check is the Package ProtectionLevel. The appropriate setting for you will be specific to the environment you are running in, but it sounds like you still have it set to DontSaveSensitive - which won't save passwords. For more information, see Setting the Protection Level of Packages.

    Rick Krueger

    Follow @dataogre

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