sys.database_files is_name_reserved column usage

  • Hi,

    while reading the excellent SQL Server 2008 Internals book I came across this column description in sys.database_files

    is_name_reserved 1 = Dropped file name (name or physical_name) is reusable only after the

    next log backup. When files are dropped from a database, the logical names

    stay in a reserved state until the next log backup. This column is relevant

    only under the full recovery model and the bulk-logged recovery model.

    So I tried this out on a SQL2008 full recovery database with a new file, which I drop

    alter database MTest

    add file

    (name= 'MTest2', filename = 'G:\SYSDATA\MSSQL\MSSQL$SERVERNAME\DATA\MTest2.ndf', size = 10MB)

    select * from sys.database_files

    alter database MTest

    remove file MTest2

    select * from sys.database_files

    At no point did I take a t-log backup, an at no point does the column is_name_reserved get set to 1. I can also add the same filename back immediately with

    alter database MTest

    add file

    (name= 'MTest2', filename = 'G:\SYSDATA\MSSQL\MSSQL$SERVERNAME\DATA\MTest2.ndf', size = 10MB)

    with no errors. What am I misunderstanding?

    Even given this, I also wonder why the stated requirement of a log backup before name reuse would be required? Any other structural operation I can think of doesn't prevent you re-using the same property until you've backed up the transaction log.

    Happy new year


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