single quote in sql statement

  • I would like to set a variable that is a sql statement, but the syntax about the quotes is so confusing to me, I cannot make it right:

    What I have is this:

    SET @sqlcmd = 'BACKUP DATABASE '+@dbname+' TO DISK = ''H:\Preupgrade\ Backups\'+@dbname+'_'+@filedate +' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,' +

    ' NAME = '''+@dbname+@filedate+''', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10'

    then EXEC sp_executesql @sqlcmd

    How can I use single quotes in statement like above?


  • This is what you are trying to accomplish:

    declare @dbname varchar(128) = 'TestDB',

    @filedate varchar(64) = '20121214210000',

    @sqlcmd varchar(max);

    SET @sqlcmd = 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + @dbname + ' TO DISK = ''H:\Preupgrade\ Backups\' +

    @dbname + '_' + @filedate + '''' + ' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, ' +

    'NAME = ' + '''' + @dbname + @filedate + '''' + ', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10';

    print @sqlcmd;

  • If the no. of quotes are still confusing for you in the solution provided by Lynn......then you can also use the CHAR() function in sql server to apply quotes by using the ASCII value of a single quote(39) as shown below :

    declare @dbname varchar(128) = 'TestDB',

    @filedate varchar(64) = '20121214210000',

    @sqlcmd varchar(max);

    SET @sqlcmd = 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + @dbname + ' TO DISK = ' + CHAR(39) + 'H:\Preupgrade\

    Backups\' + @dbname + '_' + @filedate + CHAR(39) + ' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, ' +

    'NAME = ' + CHAR(39) + @dbname + @filedate + CHAR(39) + ', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD,

    STATS = 10';

    print @sqlcmd;

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • Thank you both for this, this makes much clearer to understand!

  • Since this is a backup you are trying to run, here is another option:

    declare @dbname varchar(128),

    @filedate varchar(64);

    declare @diskfile varchar(256) = 'H:\Preupgrade\Backups\' + @dbname + '_' + @filedate;

    declare @filename varchar(256) = @dbname + @filedate;

    declare @SQLCmd varchar(max) =

    'BACKUP DATABASE @dbname

    TO DISK = @diskfile


    NAME = @filename,




    STATS = 10;';

    declare @params @varchar(max) = '@dbname varchar(128), @diskfile varchar(64), @filename varchar(256)';

    exec sp_executesql



    @dbname = @dbname,

    @diskfile = @diskfile,

    @filename = @filename;

  • Thanks, that is helpful!

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