null value

  • is there many type off null value?

    i have table that have null value on 1 of my field.


    id | Name | Info


    01 | A | X

    02 | B | null

    03 | C | Y

    when i try to select all data with null value on info, it didnt show any data or no data in the result.

    but when i select all data, there is some data with null value.

    i have try selecting with null, 'null', and '' but nothing works.

    it happen on 1 of my table. with other table i can selecting data with null value without any problem.


  • SELECT * FROM table WHERE info IS NULL

    A NULL value can not be used in an equals operation as SQL doesnt know if NULL is < > or = to the value you want to compare it to, therefore you must treat is with IS NULL to or wrap the null column in ISNULL() which will then provide a value to the NULL column.

  • it seems that you are unaware of NULL keyword , take help from here


    you query will work like this select * from table where info is null

    BUT below wont work

    select * from table where info = null

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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