generate dynamic column names from a table using ssis

  • I tried to create Execute SQL task for the following procedure by creating

    1. variable as ColumnNames

    2. assigned to expression

    There is also a variable to get the table name from a RecordSet destination

    DECLARE @C varchar(4000), @t varchar(128)

    SET @C = ''

    SET @t='tablename'

    SELECT @C = @C + + ', '

    FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON =

    WHERE = @t

    ORDER BY colid

    SELECT Substring(@c, 1, Datalength(@c) - 2)

    The problem is how to assign this code to expression since variables @C and @t consider as ssis varibales which not defines but that are sql variables

    Once I get the list of the columns, I will use them in insert sql statement

    insert into tablename(clomunnames) select * from db.tablename

    Would you please help me in this regard?

  • You can assign the result set of your execute sql to a variable. Look under resultset in the ExecuteSQLTask. Map the resultset to a variable of Object type. Then in a script task, get the info out of that variable.

    Hope this helps.

  • let explain myself

    I want to incorporate the following code in ssis and put the result into RecordSet. Tablename comes from another RecordSet.

    I tried using Execute T-SQL Statement Task and got an error

    SET @[User::c] = ''

    SET @[User::t]=@[User::TableName]

    SELECT @C = @C + + ', '

    FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON =

    WHERE = @[User::t]

    ORDER BY colid

    SELECT Substring(@[User::c], 1, Datalength@[User::c]) - 2)

    error message

    Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "

    SET @[User::c] = ''

    SET @[User::t]=@[User::Tabl..." failed with the following error: "Incorrect syntax near 'User::c'.

    Must declare the scalar variable "@c".

    Must declare the scalar variable "@".". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.


    I am trying to insert data from Source DB to destination DB. Here table name should be dynamic.

    Insert Into @DTableName



    Select * from @STABLENAME

    In Query detination columns names we should provide. So I have taken @columns variable to return column names with cama seperation

    Declare @Columns varchar(max)

    SET @Columns =(select SUBSTRING(

    (SELECT ',' +

    FROM (select name from sys.columns

    where object_id=(select object_id from sys.tables where type='u' and name =@DTableName

    )) s

    FOR XML PATH('')),2,200000) )

    While I parse this expression in Execute SQL SQL Source Staatement expression editor I am getting this Error:

    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "insert into dbo.Test(@columns )selec..." failed with the following error: "Must declare the scalar variable "@column".". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    If I get any help from either request, then that would be great

  • (Well first....the company Konesans has something similar prebuilt in the form of a custom task. You might want to have a look at that)

    Second....your most recent example is missing a declare statemnt....hence the error.

    Then.....even if you had a declare sql you can't say

    insert into tablename


    values('a','b') etc.

    The above wouldn't work. Another similar example,

    in sql you can't do :

    select * from tablename where emp_name in (@list_names). This wouldn't work.

    The correct way to do this is by using dynamic sql. ie build your query as a string in sql and then use exec()

    or maybe execute_sql(please look up the help on this).

    so basically, in your example, you can do :

    declare @cols varchar(max)

    declar @sql varchar(max)

    declare @tblname varchar(50)

    declare @insert_vals varchar(max)

    set @cols = 'fname, lname, age, sex, empid)' etc

    set @insert_vals = 'john, doe, 30,115)' etc

    set @sql = 'insert into + @tblname + '('

    set @sql = @sql + @cols + ')'

    set @sql = @sql + ' values(' + @insert_vals + ')'

    Now, your @sql contains the whole sql. Now you just say :

    exec(@sql) ---> This will execute your sql string like a sql statement.

    ok, so with that sorted out, your next problem at hand :

    dynamically inserting values into table (ie table being decide at runtime) :

    Please rethink about questions like :

    are the cols in src the same as the corresponding dest table in each case

    It looks as if the tbl name are also the same....if not then its not a simple insert would be applying some logic.... like for dest tbl1, src colA goes to srccolb etc

    is it a one to one mapping / derived col, no logic etc.

    What about the datatypes on each side(do they exactly match etc)

    I would attempt this in a a script task like so....

    Get the src cols dynamically and put that in a variable

    Get the src values dynamically and put that in a variable

    Get the dest tblname in a var

    Get the dest cols in a var

    Form the sql as a var(as shown above) (keep in mind the datatypes, lengths, conversions, null value etc....not an easy task)

    EXEC the sql.

    Run this whole thing in a foreach loop (either ssis foreach loop or a c# foreach loop inside the script task)

    I am hoping this would give you some clearer picture of the solution.

  • Here's one way, using ADO.Net + ODBC connection... (this is more or less from my working SSIS 2008/2010 ScriptTask C# code...)

    The methodology is similar for ADO.Net + SqlConnection. SqlConnection also has a GetSchema() method.

    var conn = new OdbcConnection();

    conn = (OdbcConnection)Dts.Connections["connMgrName"].AcquireConnection(null);

    var tbls = conn.GetSchema("Tables");

    var tblCols = conn.GetSchema("Columns");

    var sql = new StringBuilder();

    foreach(DataRow t in tbls.Rows) {

    sql.AppendFormat("create table {0}(", t["TABLE_NAME"]);

    foreach(DataRow c in tblCols.Rows) {

    //the actual field names returned by GetSchema("COLUMNS") can change depending on the source ODBC driver...

    //grok conn.GetSchema("DataTypes") to see what the specific driver returns for data types...

    //for some ADO.Net drivers, there are XML docs here that show the mappings used by SSIS:

    // C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\MappingFiles

    // I don't know if other 3rd-party drivers do or not...

    var dataType = c["TYPE_NAME"].ToString().Trim();

    var colName = c["COLUMN_NAME"].Value;

    var colLength = (int)c["COLUMN_SIZE"].Value;

    var colRadix = c["NUM_PREC_RADIX"];

    var colDigits = c["DECIMAL_DIGITS"];

    //this is naieve code below, assuming 1:1 mapping between source and destination data type names

    //and nothing fancy, like varchar(n) vs varchar(max) for SQL Server...

    //To see all the different metadata collections returned by a given ODBC Datasource,

    //grok the output from GetSchema("MetaDataCollections").

    switch(dataType) {

    case "CHAR":case "VARCHAR":

    sql.AppendFormat("{0} {1}({2}),", colName, dataType, colLength);

    default: //Integer, SmallInt, DateTime, etc...

    sql.AppendFormat("{0} {1},", colName, dataType);




    //need to fix the last line or so...

    sql.Replace( ",)", ")" );


    MessageBox.Show(sql.ToString(), "Create table DDL...");

    //return the sql string to a package variable so it can be used later in an ExecuteSQL task

    Dts.Variables["User::pkgCreateTableSql"].Value = sql.ToString();

    Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;


  • Gah. you'll want this in the first for loop:

    foreach (DataRow t in ...) {



  • Another gah!!! You'll need to grab the columns for a specific table... doh!

    foreach(DataRow t in tbls.Rows) {


    sql.AppendFormat("create table {0}(", t["TABLE_NAME"]);

    var tblCols = cols.Select("TABLE_NAME = '" + t["TABLE_NAME"]+ "'");

    foreach(DataRow c in tblCols.Rows) {


    In my pkg, I grab the GetSchema("Tables") & GetSchema("Columns") data sets into pkg variables in a separate task. Since I'm using these multiple times, it makes sense to me to grab them only once, as they can be expensive...

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