EXECUTE permission denied (Stored procedure debugging)

  • Guys I am getting this error when I try to debug a stored procedure using Query Analyzer:

    Server: Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Procedure sp_sdidebug, Line 1[Microsoft][ODBC  SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]EXECUTE permission denied on object 'sp_sdidebug', database 'master', owner 'dbo'.

    I only get this error whe I run Query analyzer from my PC, when I log onto the server itself everything works fine. I have administrative for everything on my network.

    Help please. thanks.

  • It sounds like you are not using exactly the same username that your using on the server.  For instance, you might be using sa on the server and windows authentication on the machine thats not letting you run your stored procedure.

    Just want to cover the basics:

    Double check the username you are using on your PC, and make sure in enterprise manager that you have given yourself execute permissions on the stored procedure.


  • I do have the same username. I have 40+ stored procedures and each one has my username with full rights.

  • actualy i dont get that error anymore but all the buttons are disabled when i try to debbug.

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