Profiler Event: SP:StmtStarting with TextData but empty ObjectName

  • Hello,

    Tracing a process in Profiler, but, I found for an event:

    SP:StmtStarting in the EventClass

    Valid SQL stmt exists in the TextData

    However, in the ObjectName column, there is no stored procedure name?

    What is it refering to.

    I have searched for this SQL in the stored procedures in our DB, but couldn't find it. So, how is this possible?

    Thank you.

  • you should have an RPC:Completed event (assuming you are tracing it) after your event in question with the same SPID. That is the calling procedure.

    When you realize you've dug yourself into a hole....Step 1...stop digging.

  • ok...

    It says: exec sp_executesql N'....

    Does it mean a dynamic sql sent from the client instead of a stored proc...

    thanks again

  • it does mean dynamic SQL. It can be in a stored procedure or the client, but since you searched the database I would say it is definitely the client.

    When you realize you've dug yourself into a hole....Step 1...stop digging.

  • Great! Thank you so much.

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