Getting a strange error when running an update statement with a subquery

  • We are migrating to SQL 2005 64 bit edition.  I ran one of our SPs & got the following error message:

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "Rbcweb" returned message "Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed transaction mode.".

    Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Cannot execute the query "SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM "heat"."heat"."Profile" "Tbl1005" WHERE CONVERT(int,"Tbl1005"."CustID",0) IS NULL" against OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "Rbcweb".

    Here is the statement that is generating the error:


    '*** Update Inactive entries in the HeatCustomerDim table ***'

    Update HeatCustomerDim

    Set CurrentCustomerStatus = 'Inactive'

    From HeatCustomerDim

    Where CurrentCustomerStatus = 'Active' and

    HeatCustomerKey NOT IN (Select CustId From Rbcweb.heat.heat.Profile)

    The linked server is setup correctly.  The weird thing is that I do almost the exact same thing a few lines above this statement within the same SP & it works.  I then do the same thing after this SP.  Here is a statement that works:


    '*** Reactivate customer entries in the HeatCustomerDim table ***'

    Update HeatCustomerDim

    Set CurrentCustomerStatus = 'Active'

    From HeatCustomerDim

    Where CurrentCustomerStatus = 'InActive' and

    HeatCustomerKey IN (Select CustId From Rbcweb.heat.heat.Profile)

    The only difference is this statment doesn't contain the NOT keyword.  I haven't been able to find anything that has changed with the NOT keyword in SQL 2005.  Has anyone else run into this problem so can see what I might be doing wrong?



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • This article on Microsoft's support site might shed some light on the error:

    Hope this helps!

  • Steven,

    Thanks for the reply! 

    I did see that article already.  I am not quite sure how that applies to mine mainly because it works in the statements before & after using pretty much the same syntax. It also works fine in SQL 2000 & the article you referenced is for SQL 2000.  So I am still puzzled why this is occurring.



  • Note that Profile is a reserved word.  You might want to try [Profile] instead.

    Also, your UPDATE syntax will instantiate the table twice.  Consider the following (omits the FROM):

    Update HeatCustomerDim

    Set CurrentCustomerStatus = 'Active'

    Where CurrentCustomerStatus = 'InActive' and

    HeatCustomerKey IN (Select CustId From Rbcweb.heat.heat.[Profile])

    Hope this helps!

    Take care..

    - Ward Pond

  • Hi Ward,

    Thanks for the suggestions but I tried them & no luck.  I still receive the same error when I execute:




    CurrentCustomerStatus = 'Inactive'


    CurrentCustomerStatus = 'Active' and


    NOT IN (Select CustId From Rbcweb.heat.heat.[Profile])

    and no errors when I execute:

    Update HeatCustomerDim

    Set CurrentCustomerStatus = 'Active'

    Where CurrentCustomerStatus = 'InActive' and

    HeatCustomerKey IN (Select CustId From Rbcweb.heat.heat.[Profile])

    Still confused!


  • Hi John..

    Two other idea occur to me at the moment.  I'll keep puzzling on this one.

    Has SET TRUSTWORTHY ON been set in both databases?  Is the state of SET ANSI_NULLS the same in both environments?

    Take care..

    - Ward Pond

  • I am getting the exact same problem right now... My link servers are working for the most part, the only problem i have is when using the IN operator as follow...

                     where ABC not in (select ABC from server.db.dbo.table)


    I have been using link servers with 2000 for years and never encounter such issue... The problem is happening when running a query from the 2005 box to the 2000 one


    any idea? thanks!

  • I rewrote the query in a way that is not crashing... look at this strange thing... The first statement is returning the below error message while the second statement runs fine...

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "server2" returned message "Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed transaction mode.".

    Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 2

    Cannot execute the query "SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM "server2"."dbo"."TABLE_B" "Tbl1005"" against OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "server2".

    Statement 1:






    A.ColumnX not in (select ColumnX from server2.DB.dbo.TABLE_B)

    Statement 2:






    not exists (select 1 from server2.DB.dbo.TABLE_B B where A.ColumnX = B.ColumnX)




  • Claude,

    Thanks for the help.  I rewrote my update statement using the not exists & it worked perfectly.  Still not sure why it didn't work before but it works!



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