• Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan!

    Don’t get defeated by temporary defeat.

    Practice self disciplined and self control.

    Take your time to decide but when you decide don’t keep changing your decisions

    Attention to detail is very important. If you miss out on the finer aspects of your work, you are guaranteed that the rest of your team will miss out even more.

    Be responsible for your and your team’s actions. If something goes wrong don’t run around finding a scapegoat. This is the sign of a very weak person, and even if you spare some employees and nail others, every one will have the sense of insecurity when they are working on a assignment and it will eventually result in poor quality of work.

    Remember that you are paid for what your do and not what you “know”. Be wise and act accordingly.

    Don’t give too much emphasis on the title, which is bestowed on you. We all know what we thought of managers who gave too much importance to the title and not to the people who worked with them.

    Remember that people like to feel that they work “with” you and not “for” you. I have found this to be a very good mantra to motivate my team.

    A good manager never runs out of time. So if you are facing time shortage, its time to review your policies and style of working.

    Take weekly status meets if possible. Make them quick and light. This is a better way of touch basing on the progress of work and gives the much-needed personal touch to the team.

    Appreciate when someone does a good job. Sometimes a word of encouragement is more valuable than a slight raise.

    This is my favorite bit…compete with yourself everyday. Comparisons with others are irrelevant. What is relevant is how much better you are today as compared to yourself yesterday.

    I’d like to share my experiences in management with you guys some day, and would love to hear and learn from yours.

    That’s all for now guys, happy management…

    What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I understand