Bulk upload decisions to disable/rebulid indexes

  • I know various forms of this question have been asked. However mine I think is a bit different. 

    Using SSIS I pull in large amounts of data from another database. Currently almost all tables are truncated and new data is inserted. A few of the tables have over 50 million records. On those tables I disable the indexes, pull in the data and then rebuild the indexes. Since they have a clustered index I cannot use the ALTER INDEX ALL ON XXX DISABLE command. I want to disable all the non clustered indexes only. I of course can do that manually for each index. This doesn't help when a new non clustered index is created and then doesn't get added to disable into the SSIS SQL Execute command.

    Is there a way to disable only non clustered indexes without having to write out a disable command for each non clustered index?

    Note : the data in these tables are static until the next time it is truncated and new data is uploaded (nightly SSIS loads).


  • Looks like I need to run a command like this (found on stackoverflow):

    declare @Indexes table
    Num int identity(1,1) primary key clustered,
    TableName nvarchar(255),
    IndexName nvarchar(255)

    INSERT INTO @Indexes
    SELECT sys.objects.name tableName,
     sys.indexes.name indexName
    FROM sys.indexes
     JOIN sys.objects ON sys.indexes.object_id = sys.objects.object_id
    WHERE sys.indexes.type_desc = 'NONCLUSTERED'
     AND sys.objects.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'

    DECLARE @max-2 INT
    SET @max-2 = @@ROWCOUNT

    SELECT @max-2 as 'max'
    SELECT * FROM @Indexes

    SET @I = 1

    DECLARE @TblName NVARCHAR(255), @IdxName NVARCHAR(255)


    WHILE @I <= @max-2
    SELECT @TblName = TableName, @IdxName = IndexName FROM @Indexes WHERE Num = @I
    SELECT @SQL = N'ALTER INDEX ' + @IdxName + N' ON ' + @TblName + ' DISABLE;'

    EXEC sp_sqlexec @SQL

    SET @I = @I + 1


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