Traveling Observations

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Traveling Observations

  • Saw some similar views las month of the mountains as we flew through Denver to Hawaii(and back).  Well the wife saw more of it since she was by the window, she let me peak once in awhile.  I enjoy watching out the window and trying to spot different things as we travel.  Not so much on the way home, we try to fly out at night from Hawaii.

    Who here has seen the Progressive commercials?  "Let's not try and NOT point out landmarks as we take off."  Or something similar is said, turning into our parents, LOL

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • 2016-2018 I did quite a bit of flying and finally got a "status" (Gold), with American. Which led to my first First Class flights. Not bad!

    But after no flights in 2020, only had one last year. Nothing on the schedule for 2022, so far.

    I'm also a window seat guy and love picking things out. I went through Dallas quite a bit and the Cowboy Stadium (and neighboring baseball park) are landmarks I often looked for.

    Trying to figure out the world of SQL as marketing consultant for SQL Solutions Group

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