Parse only specific part of XML field?

  • Hi

    I have an XML fieled  that is storing a date and time range , the form its pulling from displays only the starting time

    When I try to parse as Time it's not correct.

    The field looks like this


    I want to pull 9:00AM

    I tried  ...  data.value('(/Data/Time_x0020_of_x0020_Call)[1]', 'Time') AS TimeofCall

    I know it's wrong, but not sure what to use or how to just get the starting time








  • Given that this works:

    DECLARE @x AS TIME = '2020-06-22T09:00:00-04:00'

    SELECT @x

    you are very close.

    Can you provide a full example XML string for us to test with?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • So the field looks like this








    So why does


    data.value('(/Data/Client_x0020_Phone_x0020_Number)[1]', 'varchar(30)') AS ClientPhone,

    data.value('(/Data/Time_x0020_of_x0020_Call)[1]', 'Time') AS TimeofCall,  ....

    have output of  "13:00:00.0000000"




  • That is weird, but if time is pressing and you want to get round it, you could do something like this:

    SELECT ClientPhone = @x.value('(/Data/Client_x0020_Phone_x0020_Number)[1]', 'varchar(30)')
    ,TimeofCall = CAST(@x.value('(/Data/Time_x0020_of_x0020_Call)[1]', 'varchar(30)') AS TIME)

    (Where @x is an XML variable containing your source XML.)

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • That worked great!

    I just used

    CAST(data.value('(/Data/Time_x0020_of_x0020_Call)[1]', 'varchar(30)') AS TIME) AS TimeofCall

    Thank Again

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