Creating 1 record in 1 table from multiple records in another table

  • 0

    I am trying to populate a table with multiple records from another table. I have a table which contains records of an employee's schedule. Each record contains a single incident of a date and time for 1 employee: Fields are:

    ScheduleID = unique record identifier

    ScheduleName = identifies the schedule

    ScheduleLine = identifies the line on the schedule grid

    Position = the schedule employee position filled (not necessarily the

    same as the employees postion)

    ADP_ID = employee identifier

    ScheduleBeginDay = what day of the week the schedule begins (usually


    ShiftName = shift worked

    ScheduleStart = date and time employee is scheduled to clock in

    ScheduleEnd = date and time employee is scheduled to clock out

    RecordActive = is record active or deleted

    I need to convert this to look like a schedule grid in the application as well as in reports. That is 1 line in the grid = up to 7 of the previous records (Monday – Sunday)


    Sample Input:


    Sample Output:


    The code below works but ONLY if there is a person in the position on day 1. This is usually but not always the case. the question is "How do i create 1 line of output for each line (position) on the schedule (as long as at least 1 person is working at least 1 day in that position at least one day during the week)?


    declare @startdate as datetime
    set @startdate = '4/1/19'

    from @startDate
    left outer join Schedules day1
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp1 on Emp1.ADP_ID = day1.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day2 on day2.ScheduleName = day1.ScheduleName
    and day2.ScheduleLine = day1.ScheduleLine and day2.ShiftName =
    day1.ShiftName and day2.Position = day1.Position and convert(varchar(10),
    day2.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 1,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp2 on Emp2.ADP_ID = day2.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day3 on day3.ScheduleName = day1.ScheduleName
    and day3.ScheduleLine = day1.ScheduleLine and day3.ShiftName =
    day1.ShiftName and day3.Position = day1.Position and convert(varchar(10),
    day3.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 2,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp3 on Emp3.ADP_ID = day3.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day4 on day4.ScheduleName = day1.ScheduleName
    and day4.ScheduleLine = day1.ScheduleLine and day4.ShiftName =
    day1.ShiftName and day4.Position = day1.Position and convert(varchar(10),
    day4.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 3,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp4 on Emp4.ADP_ID = day4.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day5 on day5.ScheduleName = day1.ScheduleName
    and day5.ScheduleLine = day1.ScheduleLine and day5.ShiftName =
    day1.ShiftName and day5.Position = day1.Position and convert(varchar(10),
    day5.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 4,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp5 on Emp5.ADP_ID = day5.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day6 on day6.ScheduleName = day1.ScheduleName
    and day6.ScheduleLine = day1.ScheduleLine and day6.ShiftName =
    day1.ShiftName and day6.Position = day1.Position and convert(varchar(10),
    day6.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 5,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp6 on Emp6.ADP_ID = day6.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day7 on day7.ScheduleName = day1.ScheduleName
    and day7.ScheduleLine = day1.ScheduleLine and day7.ShiftName =
    day1.ShiftName and day7.Position = day1.Position and convert(varchar(10),
    day7.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 6,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp7 on Emp7.ADP_ID = day7.ADP_ID
    where convert(varchar(10), day1.ScheduleStart, 101) =
    CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate, 101)
    order by day1.ScheduleLine


  • Can you please post the DDL for the tables and the sample data? IE, table creates and inserts for the sample data.

    It's mighty hard to read the images you've inserted and my screen is magnified. If you could give us the data and tables, we could assist you better.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

    1. Your SQL doesn't even compile. There is a left join without an ON:
      from @startDate
      left outer join Schedules day1 /* missing ON */
      left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp1 on Emp1.ADP_ID = day1.ADP_ID?

    2. The WHERE clause is comparing the result of a LEFT JOIN, so it might be null so have no result. So the first LEFT JOIN is the same as an INNER JOIN:
      where convert(varchar(10), day1.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate, 101)?

  • SSCoach, sorry about that. I was fiddling with the code and forgot to change it back.

    from @startDate

    left outer join Schedules day1

    should be

    from  Schedules day1


  • I think this should do it:

    DECLARE @startdate AS datetime

    SET @startdate = '4/1/19';

    FROM Schedules s
    WHERE s.ScheduleStart BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(dd, 6, @StartDate)
    SELECT CTE.ScheduleLine,
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day1
    ON day1.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day1.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day1.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day1.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day1.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp1
    ON Emp1.ADP_ID = day1.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day2
    ON day2.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day2.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day2.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day2.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day2.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 1, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp2
    ON Emp2.ADP_ID = day2.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day3
    ON day3.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day3.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day3.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day3.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day3.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 2, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp3
    ON Emp3.ADP_ID = day3.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day4
    ON day4.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day4.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day4.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day4.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day4.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 3, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp4
    ON Emp4.ADP_ID = day4.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day5
    ON day5.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day5.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day5.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day5.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day5.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 4, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp5
    ON Emp5.ADP_ID = day5.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day6
    ON day6.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day6.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day6.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day6.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day6.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 5, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp6
    ON Emp6.ADP_ID = day6.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day7
    ON day7.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day7.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day7.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day7.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day7.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 6, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp7
    ON Emp7.ADP_ID = day7.ADP_ID
    ORDER BY CTE.ScheduleLine
  • Solved: based on the following suggestion from another programmer: Instead of a single date, @startDate, load all dates into a dates table, then left join from those dates to the other tables.

    I did this:

    --this code works to create a weekly schedule from individual records.
    --In the actual live code the hard-coded strings (schedule Name, start date)
    --will actually be populated from fields on the screen or calculated fields
    --create a temp table to hold basic data for each line on the schedule
    --this is referred to as day0 and will later be joined with data from days 1 - 7
    CREATE TABLE #temp_dates (
    ScheduleName VARCHAR(MAX),
    ScheduleLine int,
    ScheduleBeginDay VARCHAR(MAX),
    ShiftName VARCHAR(MAX),
    Position VARCHAR(MAX),
    ScheduleStart datetime,
    ScheduleEnd datetime

    --create 1 temp record for each line on the schedule and populate the basic data
    insert into #temp_dates (ScheduleName,ScheduleLine,ShiftName,Position,ScheduleBeginDay)
    select distinct ScheduleName,ScheduleLine,ShiftName,Position,ScheduleBeginDay
    from Schedules
    where ScheduleName = 'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019'
    group by ScheduleName,ScheduleLine,ShiftName,Position,ScheduleBeginDay
    order by ScheduleName,ScheduleLine,ShiftName,Position,ScheduleBeginDay

    -- set date for start of weekly schedule
    declare @startdate as datetime
    set @startdate = '04/01/2019'

    --populate the schedule start and end times for each line
    update #temp_dates
    set ScheduleStart = @startdate + cast(Shifts.WorkTimeStart as datetime) , ScheduleEnd = @startdate + cast(Shifts.WorkTimeEnd as datetime)
    from #temp_dates
    inner join Shifts
    on shifts.ShiftName = #temp_dates.shiftname

    --merge each temp table line with each days data for the week
    format(day0.ScheduleStart,'hh:mm') as StartTime,
    format(day0.ScheduleEnd,'hh:mm') as EndTime,
    from #temp_dates day0
    left outer join Schedules day1 on day1.ScheduleName = day0.ScheduleName and day1.ScheduleLine = day0.ScheduleLine and day1.ShiftName = day0.ShiftName and day1.Position = day0.Position and convert(varchar(10), day1.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), day0.ScheduleStart,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp1 on Emp1.ADP_ID = day1.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day2 on day2.ScheduleName = day0.ScheduleName and day2.ScheduleLine = day0.ScheduleLine and day2.ShiftName = day0.ShiftName and day2.Position = day0.Position and convert(varchar(10), day2.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), day0.ScheduleStart + 1,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp2 on Emp2.ADP_ID = day2.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day3 on day3.ScheduleName = day0.ScheduleName and day3.ScheduleLine = day0.ScheduleLine and day3.ShiftName = day0.ShiftName and day3.Position = day0.Position and convert(varchar(10), day3.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), day0.ScheduleStart + 2,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp3 on Emp3.ADP_ID = day3.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day4 on day4.ScheduleName = day0.ScheduleName and day4.ScheduleLine = day0.ScheduleLine and day4.ShiftName = day0.ShiftName and day4.Position = day0.Position and convert(varchar(10), day4.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), day0.ScheduleStart + 3,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp4 on Emp4.ADP_ID = day4.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day5 on day5.ScheduleName = day0.ScheduleName and day5.ScheduleLine = day0.ScheduleLine and day5.ShiftName = day0.ShiftName and day5.Position = day0.Position and convert(varchar(10), day5.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), day0.ScheduleStart + 4,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp5 on Emp5.ADP_ID = day5.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day6 on day6.ScheduleName = day0.ScheduleName and day6.ScheduleLine = day0.ScheduleLine and day6.ShiftName = day0.ShiftName and day6.Position = day0.Position and convert(varchar(10), day6.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), day0.ScheduleStart + 5,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp6 on Emp6.ADP_ID = day6.ADP_ID
    left outer join Schedules day7 on day7.ScheduleName = day0.ScheduleName and day7.ScheduleLine = day0.ScheduleLine and day7.ShiftName = day0.ShiftName and day7.Position = day0.Position and convert(varchar(10), day7.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), day0.ScheduleStart + 6,101)
    left outer join EmployeeInformation Emp7 on Emp7.ADP_ID = day7.ADP_ID
    order by day0.ScheduleLine,day0.ScheduleStart


  • the first issue I see with the code above from Jonathan AC Roberts is that the schedule times would only show if day 1 has a person scheduled.


  • Darrell Woodard wrote:

    the first issue I see with the code above from Jonathan AC Roberts is that the schedule times would only show if day 1 has a person scheduled.

    You could select MIN(Values) in the CTE to fix that.

    DECLARE @startdate AS datetime
    SET @startdate = '4/1/19';
    SELECT s.ScheduleName,
    MIN(s.ScheduleStart) ScheduleStart,
    MIN(s.ScheduleEnd) ScheduleEnd,
    MIN(s.ScheduleBeginDay) ScheduleBeginDay
    FROM Schedules s
    WHERE s.ScheduleStart BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(dd, 6, @StartDate)
    GROUP BY s.ScheduleName, s.ScheduleLine, s.ShiftName, s.Position
    SELECT CTE.ScheduleLine,
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day1
    ON day1.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day1.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day1.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day1.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day1.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp1
    ON Emp1.ADP_ID = day1.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day2
    ON day2.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day2.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day2.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day2.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day2.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 1, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp2
    ON Emp2.ADP_ID = day2.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day3
    ON day3.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day3.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day3.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day3.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day3.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 2, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp3
    ON Emp3.ADP_ID = day3.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day4
    ON day4.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day4.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day4.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day4.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day4.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 3, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp4
    ON Emp4.ADP_ID = day4.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day5
    ON day5.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day5.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day5.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day5.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day5.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 4, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp5
    ON Emp5.ADP_ID = day5.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day6
    ON day6.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day6.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day6.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day6.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day6.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 5, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp6
    ON Emp6.ADP_ID = day6.ADP_ID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Schedules day7
    ON day7.ScheduleName = CTE.ScheduleName
    AND day7.ScheduleLine = CTE.ScheduleLine
    AND day7.ShiftName = CTE.ShiftName
    AND day7.Position = CTE.Position
    AND CONVERT(varchar(10), day7.ScheduleStart, 101) = CONVERT(varchar(10), @startdate + 6, 101)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInformation Emp7
    ON Emp7.ADP_ID = day7.ADP_ID
    ORDER BY CTE.ScheduleLine
  • There are several issues with this.  The primary one is that you have a large number of reads of the same tables.  I think that it can be done with a crosstab, but can't test it, because you haven't provided consumable data.

    Also, this section is repetitively redundant.

     select distinct ScheduleName,ScheduleLine,ShiftName,Position,ScheduleBeginDay
    from Schedules
    where ScheduleName = 'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019'
    group by ScheduleName,ScheduleLine,ShiftName,Position,ScheduleBeginDay
    order by ScheduleName,ScheduleLine,ShiftName,Position,ScheduleBeginDay

    A GROUP BY will always create a single record for each combination of the grouping expressions, so any list of expressions that includes all of the grouping expressions is already DISTINCT and there is no reason to add the DISTINCT keyword.

    Also, why do you specify USE CCAP twice.  You haven't done anything to change to a different database between the two instances, so why specify it a second time.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • You are correct that the distinct is not needed.

    The USE CCAP was in there twice because i was testing code in SSMS and needed it in the second spot while testing just that part of code. It will be taken out in application.

    I want to upload some consumable data but can't figure out how. Can I upload CSV or other files? Also Can I edit my original post?


  • Jonathan AC Roberts, I popped your code into my editor and ran it.

    Ran without modification. Kudos to you for doing that without being able to test.

    It almost worked perfectly in returning the data. For some reason it did not return 2 of the records which had 1 person working on day 7 and no one working on any other days for that line.

    It did return 2 other lines which had 2 people working (one on day 6 and one on day 7).

    So evidently it has something to do with the fact that no records exist except for day 7.


    Added another day to the query by changing DATEADD(dd, 6, @StartDate) to DATEADD(dd, 7, @StartDate) and the query got the other 2 records. the records had a start time (2nd shift) greater than what was in the @startdate.

    This would still work because the Schedulename is unique to these records.


  • Darrell Woodard wrote:

    You are correct that the distinct is not needed. The USE CCAP was in there twice because i was testing code in SSMS and needed it in the second spot while testing just that part of code. It will be taken out in application. I want to upload some consumable data but can't figure out how. Can I upload CSV or other files? Also Can I edit my original post?

    A CSV or other file is not consumable data.  What we are looking for is something that we can just copy and paste into SSMS and get your sample data.  In other words, we are looking for a script to create a table (preferably temp table) and then insert data into that table.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Would this work?

    Creates schedules and shifts tables.


    USE [CCAP]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Schedules] Script Date: 5/7/2019 1:18:38 PM ******/





    CREATE TABLE [#Schedules](

    [ScheduleName] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [ScheduleBeginDay] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [ShiftName] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [ScheduleStart] [datetime] NULL,

    [ScheduleEnd] [datetime] NULL,

    [Position] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [ADP_ID] [int] NULL,

    [RecordActive] [bit] NULL,

    [ScheduleID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [CreatedBy] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [ModifiedBy] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [FullShift] [bit] NULL,

    [Notes] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [ScheduleLine] [int] NULL



    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[Shifts] Script Date: 5/7/2019 1:18:38 PM ******/





    CREATE TABLE [#Shifts](

    [CreatedBy] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [ModifiedBy] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [RecordActive] [bit] NULL,

    [WorkTimeStart] [time](0) NULL,

    [WorkTimeEnd] [time](0) NULL,

    [ShiftName] [varchar](30) NULL,

    [ShiftID] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ON


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10391, 1, 1, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T10:56:13.427' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10391, 1, 2, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:29:55.693' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10391, 1, 3, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:30:41.703' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10391, 1, 4, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:31:07.113' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10391, 1, 5, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:34:13.343' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10244, 1, 6, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:37:01.197' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10244, 1, 7, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:37:17.847' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 1)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 2581, 1, 8, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 2)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 2581, 1, 9, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 2)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 2581, 1, 10, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 2)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 2581, 1, 11, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 2)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 2581, 1, 12, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 2)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10306, 1, 13, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 2)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10306, 1, 14, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-26T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, NULL, 2)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10136, 1, 15, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:53:02.520' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:53:02.520' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 4)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10136, 1, 16, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:53:36.040' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:53:36.040' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 4)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10136, 1, 17, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:54:11.537' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:54:11.537' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 4)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 2495, 1, 22, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:56:57.670' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:56:57.670' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 2495, 1, 23, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:57:14.567' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:57:14.567' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 2495, 1, 24, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:57:33.163' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:57:33.163' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10586, 1, 25, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:59:19.717' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:59:19.717' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10663, 1, 26, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:01:48.027' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:01:48.027' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10663, 1, 27, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:02:02.190' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:02:02.190' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10663, 1, 28, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:02:23.183' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:33:03.027' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 3)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10255, 1, 29, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:04:18.320' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:04:18.320' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10255, 1, 30, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:04:46.240' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:04:46.240' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10255, 1, 31, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:05:01.590' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:05:01.590' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10255, 1, 32, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:05:15.277' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:05:15.277' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10255, 1, 33, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:05:28.617' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:05:28.617' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10266, 1, 34, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:12:22.440' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:12:22.440' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10266, 1, 35, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:12:42.213' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:12:42.213' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 5)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10254, 1, 36, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:13:32.927' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:13:32.927' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 6)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10254, 1, 37, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:13:56.623' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:13:56.623' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 6)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10254, 1, 38, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:14:10.783' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:14:10.783' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 6)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10254, 1, 39, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:14:29.680' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:14:29.680' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 6)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10254, 1, 40, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:14:42.207' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:14:42.207' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 6)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10402, 1, 41, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:15:33.050' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:15:33.050' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 6)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10402, 1, 42, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:15:47.073' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:15:47.073' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 6)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10136, 1, 18, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:54:26.307' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:54:26.307' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 4)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10136, 1, 19, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:54:38.877' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:54:38.877' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 4)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10008, 1, 20, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:55:30.260' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:55:30.260' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 4)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10008, 1, 21, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:55:43.177' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T11:55:43.177' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 4)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-08T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10598, 1, 175, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:34:10.017' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:34:10.017' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 25)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10665, 1, 43, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:23:29.367' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:23:29.367' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 7)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10665, 1, 44, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:23:39.640' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:23:39.640' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 7)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10665, 1, 45, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:23:48.220' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:23:48.220' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 7)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10665, 1, 46, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:23:56.910' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:23:56.910' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 7)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10665, 1, 47, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:24:05.947' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:24:05.947' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 7)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10677, 1, 48, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:24:58.093' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:24:58.093' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 7)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10677, 1, 49, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:25:07.460' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:25:07.460' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 7)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10670, 1, 50, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:26:48.470' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:26:48.470' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 8)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10670, 1, 51, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:26:59.107' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:26:59.107' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 8)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 3119, 1, 52, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:28:24.593' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:28:24.593' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 9)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 3119, 1, 53, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:28:37.333' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:28:37.333' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 9)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 3119, 1, 54, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:28:42.980' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:28:42.980' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 9)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 3119, 1, 55, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:28:55.410' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:28:55.410' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 9)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 3119, 1, 56, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:29:03.363' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:29:03.363' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 9)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10347, 1, 57, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:30:05.580' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:30:05.580' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 9)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10347, 1, 58, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:30:21.020' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:30:21.020' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 9)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10293, 1, 59, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:31:36.557' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:31:36.557' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 10)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10293, 1, 60, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:31:42.947' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:31:42.947' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 10)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10293, 1, 61, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:31:50.687' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:31:50.687' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 10)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10293, 1, 62, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:32:14.023' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:32:14.023' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 10)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10293, 1, 63, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:32:22.040' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:32:22.040' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 10)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 3093, 1, 64, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:33:43.117' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:33:43.117' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 10)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10612, 1, 65, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:37:50.740' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:37:50.740' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 11)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10612, 1, 66, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:38:06.690' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:38:06.690' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 11)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10612, 1, 67, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:38:21.497' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:38:21.497' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 11)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10612, 1, 68, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:38:32.400' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:38:32.400' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 11)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10612, 1, 69, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:38:46.500' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:38:46.500' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 11)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10034, 1, 70, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:39:43.160' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:39:43.160' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 11)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10034, 1, 71, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:39:58.783' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:39:58.783' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 11)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10313, 1, 72, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:41:14.443' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:44:51.960' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 12)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10313, 1, 73, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:45:07.660' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:45:07.660' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 12)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10313, 1, 74, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:45:31.200' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:45:31.200' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 12)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10313, 1, 75, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:45:45.737' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:45:45.737' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 12)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10313, 1, 76, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:45:58.053' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:45:58.053' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 12)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10598, 1, 77, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:46:41.093' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:47:57.423' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 12)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T19:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10618, 1, 78, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:49:02.133' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:19:07.663' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 13)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T19:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10618, 1, 79, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:49:17.020' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:19:53.107' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 13)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T19:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10618, 1, 80, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:49:36.953' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:20:32.303' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 13)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10598, 1, 81, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:50:25.493' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:21:02.793' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 13)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Nurse', 10598, 1, 82, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:50:43.950' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:21:23.730' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 13)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3095, 1, 83, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:52:14.307' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:52:14.307' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 14)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3095, 1, 84, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:52:35.077' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:52:35.077' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 14)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3063, 1, 85, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:54:44.273' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:54:44.273' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 15)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3063, 1, 86, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:54:58.483' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:54:58.483' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 15)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3063, 1, 87, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:55:07.573' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:55:07.573' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 15)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3063, 1, 88, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:55:16.903' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:55:16.903' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 15)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3063, 1, 89, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:55:25.327' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:55:25.327' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 15)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10297, 1, 90, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:56:10.643' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:56:10.643' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 15)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10297, 1, 91, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:56:23.983' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:56:23.983' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 15)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10405, 1, 92, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:58:25.703' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:58:25.703' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 16)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10405, 1, 93, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:58:43.523' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:58:43.523' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 16)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10417, 1, 94, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:59:24.847' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:59:24.847' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 16)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10417, 1, 95, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:59:36.910' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:59:36.910' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 16)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 10576, 1, 96, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:02:20.703' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:02:20.703' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 17)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 10576, 1, 97, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:02:36.327' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:02:36.327' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 17)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 10576, 1, 98, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:02:46.400' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:02:46.400' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 17)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 10576, 1, 99, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:02:58.213' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:02:58.213' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 17)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 10576, 1, 100, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:03:10.260' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:03:10.260' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 17)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 3070, 1, 101, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:03:57.440' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:21:59.497' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 18)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 3070, 1, 102, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:04:17.213' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:22:23.363' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 18)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10026, 1, 103, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:05:03.587' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:05:03.587' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 19)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10026, 1, 104, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:05:22.633' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:05:22.633' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 19)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10617, 1, 105, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:06:10.610' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:06:10.610' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 19)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10617, 1, 106, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:06:25.480' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:06:25.480' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 19)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10617, 1, 107, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:06:38.923' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:06:38.923' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 19)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 10661, 1, 108, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:08:00.113' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:08:00.113' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 20)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10645, 1, 109, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:09:50.773' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:09:50.773' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 21)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10645, 1, 110, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:10:14.117' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:10:14.117' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 21)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10645, 1, 111, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:10:28.050' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:10:28.050' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 21)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10645, 1, 112, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:10:43.427' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:10:43.427' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 21)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10645, 1, 113, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:10:55.227' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:10:55.227' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 21)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10327, 1, 114, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:11:40.807' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:11:40.807' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 21)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 10327, 1, 115, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:11:53.850' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:11:53.850' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 21)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 10661, 1, 116, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:13:31.337' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:13:31.337' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 22)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 10661, 1, 117, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:13:48.463' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:13:48.463' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 22)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 10661, 1, 118, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:13:59.070' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:13:59.070' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 22)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 10661, 1, 119, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:14:13.473' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:14:13.473' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 22)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'2nd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 10661, 1, 120, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:14:27.763' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:14:27.763' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 22)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 2804, 1, 121, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:16:00.050' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:23:17.057' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 23)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'Night Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T15:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 2804, 1, 122, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:16:15.230' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:23:34.613' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 23)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 2555, 1, 123, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:30:01.880' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:30:01.880' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 24)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 2555, 1, 124, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:30:15.493' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:30:15.493' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 24)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 2555, 1, 125, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:30:28.403' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:30:28.403' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 24)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 2555, 1, 126, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:30:40.980' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:30:40.980' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 24)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 2555, 1, 127, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:31:00.403' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:31:00.403' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 24)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 10656, 1, 128, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:31:44.530' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:31:44.530' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 24)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-08T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Specialist', 10656, 1, 129, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:31:55.650' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:31:55.650' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 24)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 3078, 1, 135, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:36:24.670' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:36:24.670' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 26)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 3078, 1, 136, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:36:37.923' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:36:37.923' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 26)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 3078, 1, 137, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:36:49.180' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:36:49.180' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 26)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 3078, 1, 138, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:37:00.087' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:37:00.087' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 26)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 3063, 1, 139, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:37:33.760' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:37:33.760' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 26)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10614, 1, 140, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:38:19.390' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:38:33.830' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 26)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-08T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Dispatch', 10614, 1, 141, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:38:45.247' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:38:45.247' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 26)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10582, 1, 142, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:42:53.603' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:42:53.603' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 27)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10582, 1, 143, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:43:08.240' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:43:08.240' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 27)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10582, 1, 144, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:43:17.650' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:43:17.650' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 27)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10582, 1, 145, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:43:27.980' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:43:27.980' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 27)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10582, 1, 146, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:43:38.413' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:43:38.413' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 27)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10439, 1, 149, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:44:59.460' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:44:59.460' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 28)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10439, 1, 150, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:45:04.920' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:45:04.920' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 28)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10439, 1, 151, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:45:11.140' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:45:11.140' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 28)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10439, 1, 152, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:45:19.460' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:45:19.460' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 28)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10439, 1, 153, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:45:30.223' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:45:30.223' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 28)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10151, 1, 154, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:46:34.713' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:46:34.713' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 28)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-08T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10151, 1, 155, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:46:45.820' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:46:45.820' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 28)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10630, 1, 156, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:47:26.883' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:47:26.883' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 29)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10630, 1, 157, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:47:36.863' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:47:36.863' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 29)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10630, 1, 158, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:48:02.030' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:48:02.030' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 29)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10630, 1, 159, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:48:18.220' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:48:18.220' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 29)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 10630, 1, 160, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:48:25.850' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:48:25.850' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 29)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-07T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3063, 1, 161, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:48:54.533' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:48:54.533' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 29)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-07T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-08T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Crisis Counselor', 3063, 1, 162, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:49:03.110' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:49:03.110' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 29)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 2989, 1, 163, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:49:52.820' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:49:52.820' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 30)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 2989, 1, 164, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:50:05.830' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:50:05.830' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 30)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 2989, 1, 165, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:50:17.110' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:50:17.110' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 30)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Driver', 10025, 1, 166, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:51:02.573' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:51:02.573' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 30)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-01T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-02T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 2579, 1, 169, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:54:30.720' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:54:30.720' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 31)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-02T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-03T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 2579, 1, 170, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:54:44.973' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:54:44.973' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 31)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-03T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-04T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 2579, 1, 171, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:54:54.183' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:54:54.183' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 31)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-04T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-05T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 2579, 1, 172, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:55:04.157' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:55:04.157' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 31)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'3rd Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-05T23:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 2579, 1, 173, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:55:14.483' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T13:55:14.483' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 31)


    INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] ([ScheduleName], [ScheduleBeginDay], [ShiftName], [ScheduleStart], [ScheduleEnd], [Position], [ADP_ID], [RecordActive], [ScheduleID], [CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [FullShift], [Notes], [ScheduleLine]) VALUES (N'Walk-In Center April Wk 1 2019', N'Monday', N'1st Shift', CAST(N'2019-04-06T07:00:00.000' AS DateTime), CAST(N'2019-04-06T15:30:00.000' AS DateTime), N'Mental Health Tech', 3093, 1, 174, N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:33:43.117' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-30T12:33:43.117' AS DateTime), NULL, NULL, 10)


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Schedules] OFF


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'07:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'15:30:00' AS Time), N'1st Shift', 1)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'07:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'19:00:00' AS Time), N'Day Shift', 2)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'15:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'23:30:00' AS Time), N'2nd Shift', 3)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'23:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'07:30:00' AS Time), N'3rd Shift', 4)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'19:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'07:00:00' AS Time), N'Night Shift', 5)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'10:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'18:30:00' AS Time), N'Day Mid Shift', 6)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'22:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'06:30:00' AS Time), N'Night Mid Shift', 7)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'14:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'22:30:00' AS Time), N'CARE Shift', 8)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'08:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'16:30:00' AS Time), N'Alt 1st Shift', 9)


    INSERT [dbo].[Shifts] ([CreatedBy], [CreateDate], [ModifiedBy], [ModifiedDate], [RecordActive], [WorkTimeStart], [WorkTimeEnd], [ShiftName], [ShiftID]) VALUES (N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), N'dwoodard', CAST(N'2019-04-02T00:00:00.000' AS DateTime), 1, CAST(N'16:00:00' AS Time), CAST(N'08:00:00' AS Time), N'On Call Shift', 10)



  • Darrell Woodard wrote:

    Jonathan AC Roberts, I popped your code into my editor and ran it. Ran without modification. Kudos to you for doing that without being able to test. It almost worked perfectly in returning the data. For some reason it did not return 2 of the records which had 1 person working on day 7 and no one working on any other days for that line. It did return 2 other lines which had 2 people working (one on day 6 and one on day 7). So evidently it has something to do with the fact that no records exist except for day 7.   Added another day to the query by changing DATEADD(dd, 6, @StartDate) to DATEADD(dd, 7, @StartDate) and the query got the other 2 records. the records had a start time (2nd shift) greater than what was in the @startdate. This would still work because the Schedulename is unique to these records.

    I think  no rows are returnd for day 7 because in the CTE it has

    WHERE s.ScheduleStart BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(dd, 6, @StartDate)

    It should have:

    WHERE s.ScheduleStart >= @StartDate AND s.ScheduleStart < DATEADD(dd, 7, @StartDate)


    WHERE CONVERT(varchar(8), s.ScheduleStart, 112) BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(dd, 6, @StartDate)

    as ScheduleStart has a time component

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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