Cannot create extra tempdb files because they already exits, except they dont.

  • Hello,

    Got a bit of a weird one, hope someone can help.

    I was in the process of creating additional TempDB.ndf files, and received an error saying they already exist. I checked the location and it was empty, nothing to see here. So I looked in sys.master_files and there are several tempdb files listed in various locations, all of which come up empty.

    So the files are listed as online in sys.master_files, but they do not exist on the server. I restarted SQL services but it did not change anything.

    Has anybody come across this before? Is there anything I can do about it as I need to create these files for real.

    Thank you.



  • are you running the queries in SSMS of a different server?

  • Yes I have come across this myself and really there are only two ways around it.

    1. Rebooting the SQL instance which normally clears those old tempDB files from the table entries.

    2. Creating the tempdb instances with different names.

    For some reason it thinks they are there when they are not, they are in a master table somewhere I can't remember which one off the top of my head.

  • Hello,

    Thank you both for getting back. Sunder,Yes I am running SSMS locally.

    Yeah, I think I am going to have to use different names. I did restart the SQL services, are you suggesting its better to reboot the entire machine instead?



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