• meganjanosky - Thursday, September 20, 2018 1:23 PM

    I know this post is a few months old, but I also had this same issue. I ended up splitting up the Full and Differential Restore which worked for me.

    EXEC DBA_Utils.dbo.sp_DatabaseRestore
    @Database = 'production',
    @RestoreDatabaseName = 'test',
    @BackupPathFull = 'E:\temporary\FULL\',
                @RunRecovery = 0;

    EXEC DBA_Utils.dbo.sp_DatabaseRestore
    @Database = 'production',
    @RestoreDatabaseName = 'test',
                @BackupPathDiff = 'E:\temporary\DIFF\',
    @RestoreDiff = 1,
                @RunRecovery = 1;

    Hi Megan,

    Thank you for posting this. It makes perfect sense to just split it into two steps--full with norecovery then the diff. I had shifted to dbatools to build my restore process, but if I need to go back to sp_DatabaseRestore, I'll know how to do it. Again, thank you.


    Mike Scalise, PMP