• Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Wednesday, November 22, 2017 12:09 PM

    I think we'd love to support other platforms, but it's hard. Without MS support on OSX/*nix, it's a difficult ROI from a commercial perspective. Perhaps the SOS tool will change things, but not sure yet.

    I  wonder how many people really see the Macbook as the item of choices. Their hardware seems to be lagging behind some of the Intel/Win machines.

    I've produced my own version of Sqldoc for RedShift, Vertica and MySql using Python, Pandas and Sqlalchemy libraries.  Due to the way I architected the solution adding another DB platform is a case of adding the driver name to the list of drivers in the build file, writing 4 queries that conform to a known contract and an extra case statement in the thing that chooses the driver to use with Sqlalchemy.
    The tests all work as before.  It took 15 minutes to add support for an additional DB platform.

    Obviously I don't know what the source code or architecture of the rest of the Red-Gate tools are but I would be looking to see if .NET core covers the functions I need.  . NET core runs on Linux & Macs.  The trick is to design something where the cost is mainly in first implementation and subsequent implementations are quick and therefore cheap.
    I know that DG relies on tabular data streams but I don't know if that's in .NET core.