• tarr94 (12/5/2016)


    I'm not a DBA, but I'm trying to learn more about SQL Server database administration. I'm hoping someone can help me out with this.

    Every month, we track the growth of a particular database. Each month, we document the Size value from the sys.master_files table. This past month, we noticed a large jump in the size value for the database, and we're not sure what the explanation could be.

    As a general discussion, if you notice sudden jumps in the database size, what are the first questions you would be asking yourself, or the first steps you would take towards troubleshooting this?

    Thank you for any assistance.

    Edit: Crap, forgot to fill out the topic title to something more useful than "Troubleshooting," any way for me to edit that?

    One of the things to look at would be the growth increment for the file and did the file grow and that is what you see in the sudden jump in size. That's often what it is and can burn you if you have growths set up as percentages as the growth increment just gets larger and larger.

    Another thing would be any processes that ran since the last size check that would be importing or doing things that could increase the file size.
