• glebih (10/17/2016)

    Assuming that an UPDATE statement effectively DELETEs and INSERTs a record, can the values not be retreived via OUTPUT ?


    UPDATE table

    SET Col1 = Val1

    OUTPUT inserted.Col1 (should be Val1), deleted.Col1 (should be old value)

    You are encouraged to start a new thread when your question differs enough from what the topic of the post is. For now though the answer to your question is yes

    Try the following

    create table #test(id int, string varchar(30))

    insert into #test











    create table #hist (id int identity, oldVal varchar(30), newVal varchar(30))


    update #test

    setstring = 'row 4'

    output deleted.string, inserted.string into #hist(oldVal, newVal)


    Select * From #test

    select * from #hist
