• deon 25081 (9/11/2012)

    Hi Clare

    Thank you for your reply.

    I have not had many replies in various forums, so would appreciate if you could you explain a bit more about transactional replication with an "updateable subscription"? Would the Updates for client B be replicated back to the Publisher?

    I have also browsed BOL. I thought my answer would be a Trigger NOT FOR REPLICATION however that applies to the actual schema. 🙁

    I am sure this is not an "exceptional" scenario as many people have disparate databases that need to sync only a portion of the data between the databases.

    Thanks again for your assistance.

    Yes that's right, a publication with updatable subscriptions means that changes at the subscriber are allowed and are pushed back to the publisher (its uses triggers on the subscription tables to do this).

    In terms of your requirement to horizontally filter the data without it being removed at the subscriber, I am absolutely certain it can be done because I've implemented a very similar system. However...it was a fair while ago :ermm: so I'd need to go back and refresh my memory. It involves a little 'tweakery' of the replication stored procedures, as I mentioned, so I will need to do a little set up before I can give you full details.

    Of course if anyone else responds in the meantime with a more straightforward method then go with that!