• komal145 (8/15/2012)

    Issue is there is Aid with both "runquote" and "generatedocument" , need to load Aid with "Runquote",

    and then load the Aid's which are not "runquote" but with "Generatedocumnet"

    example: AID : 12345 has Acode as "runquote" and "Generatedocument" but need to have only one Aid:12345 with "runquote" in my new tableA.

    Peter's code should do this. It will mark rows with ROW_NUMBER function and then load only those where RowNum = 1:

    12345 'runquote ' 1

    12345 'Generatedocument' 2

    23456 'runquote ' 1

    23456 'Generatedocument' 2

    34567 'Generatedocument' 1

    --Vadim R.