Can't import text file in DTS package on Windows Server 2003?!

  • Hello,

    I am trying to import a text file in DTS. Pretty simple. I am usintg SQL Server 2005. It is on Windows Server 2003.

    The text file is showing an empty square as a row delimiter. I am getting an error. In the future, we plan to migrate all DTS packages to SSIS.

    Now we are in a time crunch. I looked at the text file in notepad and I see the special character. I sent the file to my home pc (running Windows Vista Ultimate), and I don't see the characters and the rows line up perfectly.

    Is there a "text driver" that SQL Server 2005 is using that is shared with Windows Server 2003? Is this driver updated in Windows Vista?

    How can I get SQL Server to interpret this character as a row delimiter?

    (If this is in the wrong topic, I apologize. I wasn't sure what topic to post to).

    When I do a select @@version in query analyzer I am getting:

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06(X64)



    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

  • Well...

    I got it to work. I found someone that said make the text qualifier "none".

    I was then able to parse the flat file.

    It is still odd that on Windows Server 2003, I see special characters that I don't see on Windows Vista Ultimate.

    Maybe Vista upgraded...something.

    That is a problem for a later date. For now, setting the text qualifer to none has allowed me to import the text files and get back to work! 😀


    Things will work out.  Get back up, change some parameters and recode.

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