Using Temporary Tables with SSIS

  • I have found myself with another problem which is using temporary tables from SSIS. My sql command creates and uses some temporary tables but when I try to put these command into my OLE DB Source in SSIS I get an error saying that it can't find my temporary tables do you know if there is a way of using temporary tables in SSIS?

    Thanks for any suggestions. :hehe:

  • Try Setting "Retain Same Connection" to true for connection properties in connection manager.

  • Thanks for answering,and yeah I tried that and didn't work, I keep getting the same error:

    TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio


    Error at DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1 [OLE DB Source [1]]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.

    An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Invalid object name '#TEMP_PRE'.".

    Error at DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1 [OLE DB Source [1]]: Unable to retrieve column information from the data source. Make sure your target table in the database is available.



    Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020204A (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

    Please any kinda help would be appreciated :crying: Thanks!!!!

  • I'm getting the same message while using temp tables - oracle driver SSIS

  • Just call me slightly ignorant, but why would you consider usng temp tables in SSIS?

    From what I understand (and each growing day it appears to be less) from temp tables, they are unique to the session, so one session wont be able to use the temp tables of another session, even though they are part of tempdb..systables.

    Please post a little more on why you are using them and under what circumstances


  • I'd have to agree with the previous post...

    One of the benefits to SSIS, and one of the ways to leverage performance is to transform data in a single pass. Sometimes temp or staging tables are unavoidable (the most common probably for large updates), but mostly if you can avoid unnecessary trips back and forth to the database, you should try.

    I have seen various examples of this where because a developer has been very familiar with T-SQL and not so with SSIS, they have been a little over zealous on the Execute SQL task, effectively using dataflows in a package to get data into a table then performing all the transform work in various execute SQL tasks.

    As I've said, sometimes a temporary dataset is unavoidable, but a lot of the time it isn't.

    Kindest Regards,

    Frank Bazan

  • The only reason I am "staging" data at the moment is because there is a very real audit requirement to have each and every control flow balanced.

    It was really thought out and wasnt a decision that was taken lightly by any means.

    However, in a normal warehousing environment, the need to eliminate the "stage" of data is becoming more and more obvious.

    Think about it, the less disk reads you can do, and the more memory you can throw at a problem, theoretically the faster you should be.

    Temporary tables point to that there may be deficiencies in the ETL design.

    Hence the question, show why the temp tables are being used so that some feasible alternatives can be suggested.


  • I have very limited knowledge about SSIS but I have run into this situation before and I think that it is a limitation of the OLEDB data source type. I got around it by using the ADO.NET data source type.

  • Try using the SET FMTONLY option in your query. It should work.

  • may give problem in qry, try running it before your execute proc statement "SET FMTONLY ON; EXEC "

  • I find that even when using SET FMTONLY ON; (and NOCOUNT ON) I still have issues with using temp tables in general in SSIS..i can get around it by using Table variables, until i connect to a 2000 box, in which case i cannot do things like:


    --Works in 2005, not in 2000, cant use #Dir in SSIS, so im kinda forced to do other tricks in SSIS.

    Declare @Dir Table(Results varchar(1000))

    Insert Into @Dir

    Exec xp_cmdshell 'dir e:\mssql\backups\*.bak /b'

    --parse results here...

    One thing that may be SOMEWHAT helpful for anyone out there is that you can wrap your code in a stupid If statement like "If 1 = 1 Begin...End"...that combined with SET FMTONLY ON has NEARLY worked for me. I was able to preview the data with that, but once i executed on my package, i only get results for the first of my dynamic datasources...but thats another topic. All in all, im going to probalby end up doing this in VBSCRIPT, i accomplished that in about 1/2 hour 2 weeks ago, still working on the SSIS version lol.

  • Instead of temp table if you could use a function that returns a table then i think it will work for you.

  • Hi,

    I have had same issues, try using


    EXEC dbo.my_stored_procname

    This should work.

    Also i found something useful on the net.

    Hope this helps.



    Amol Naik

  • I'm in agreeance with the others. Why do you think you need a temporary table for SSIS?

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I've tried using temp tables and you can *sometimes* get it to work, but the problem is that I *always* need the process to work.

    When I have had a truly temp table that I KNOW there will ONLY be one process running against I have resorted to creating a normal table in tempdb, I call them persisted temp tables. My ETL package creates, populates, uses, and destroys them. My creation process does an IF EXISTS/DROP check so I know that I have the correct structure every time.

    I have to warn you against using temp tables for sheer stability reasons, it doesn't matter if the process works today if you don't have any idea if it will work tomorrow.


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