• SSC-Enthusiastic ,

    I actually used the WInZip command line tool to do the zipping. I used a Foreach Loop Container to list all the files in a folder, with a VB script inside of it, I created a txt file containing the file names in the folder. Then I pass the filename to WinZip which reads each filename out of the text file and zipps them together. This way, it is fully flexible and automatic. To do this, in the Execute Precess Task, I used an expression for the Argument which builds from to Global Variables: @ZipFileName (also created from other variables to have the current date in it) + @ListFile (the text file containing the files in the folder needed to be zipped). So the actual Variable for the Argument looks like this: @[User::ZipFile] + " @" + @[User::ListFile]. When evaluated it returns 'c:\yourpath\yourzipfile.zip @C:\youpath\yourtextfile.txt'. You can use just this if you are making constant files all the time.
