SQL Change Automation

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Simple Database Development with SQL Change Automation

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SQL Change Automation makes automation simple enough that it can adapt to suit many different approaches to SQL Server database development. Phil Factor describes a project to update the Pubs database, using it in combination with a PowerShell function and to maintain in source control the build scripts, migration scripts and object-level scripts, for every version of the database.


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Allowing for manual checks and changes during database deployments

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SQL Change Automation enables users to make database changes to production safely and efficiently using PowerShell cmdlets, which can be integrated easily into any release management tool. This article will show you how to automate database deployments safely, by using SQL Change Automation from within PowerShell scripts, and how a deployment script for a release can be checked and amended as part of the process.


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Static data in SQL Change Automation SSMS plugin

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Kendra Little sat down with the SQL Change Automation Dev Team to get some insight into how they build the product with the customers in mind. SQL Change Automation 4.1 included adding support for the tracking of static data tables to the SSMS extension. This was a direct result of the communication and work the team have carried out with their customer base. Read Kendra’s blog to find out more about the release and the work that goes into delivering these updates.


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New release: SQL Change Automation 4.1

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We’ve heard from users that they really care about static data and were missing the feature in the SQL Change Automation SSMS plugin. In v4.1, we’ve added support for the tracking of static data tables to the SSMS extension, alongside existing support in the VS extension. Maya Malakova has written a technical summary showing how to use this feature. Learn more about the release here.


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Deploying Data and Schema Together with SQL Compare or SQL Change Automation

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You want to use SQL Compare or SQL Change Automation (SCA) to create or update a database, and at the same time ensure that its data is as you expect. You want to avoid running any additional PowerShell scripting every time you do it, and you want to keep everything in source control, including the data. You just want to keep everything simple. Phil Factor demonstrates how it's done, by generating MERGE scripts from a stored procedure.


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Deploying Data and Schema Together with SQL Compare or SQL Change Automation

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You want to use SQL Compare or SQL Change Automation (SCA) to create or update a database, and at the same time ensure that its data is as you expect. You want to avoid running any additional PowerShell scripting every time you do it, and you want to keep everything in source control, including the data. You just want to keep everything simple. Phil Factor demonstrates how it's done, by generating MERGE scripts from a stored procedure.



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Question of the Day

The "ORDER BY" clause behavior

Let’s consider the following script that can be executed without any error on both SQL Sever and PostgreSQL. We define the table t1 in which we insert three records:

create table t1 (id int primary key, city varchar(50));

insert into t1 values (1, 'Rome'), (2, 'New York'), (3, NULL);
If we execute the following query, how will the records be sorted in both environments?
select city

from t1

order by city;

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