Technical Article

Connect to MongoDB on Remote Linux Server with Powershell


Depending on your view point, I have the lovely task, or not so lovely task or pulling data from 700+ MongoDBs on a linux servers into a SQL Server DB to build some reporting around a specific data point.  Using Powershell and the POSH-SSH module I was able to accomplish this.  I wasnt able to find much out there for this scenario.  Most of what I found was connection to MongoDB on a Windows box.   Please read my comments in the script for the explanation of how this works.  

Hope you find this useful.  

Good times. 

Michael D'Spain 

cd c:\ps
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"
$WarningPreference = "silentlycontinue"

import-module posh-ssh -disablenamechecking
import-module sqlps -DisableNameChecking

## using a repository to populate variable with list of servers with mongoDB instance

$Mongo = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance <repo server> -Database DBstats -Query "SELECT Servername, pwd
FROM dbo.Mongo_Servers "

$collection_time = get-date

foreach($db in $Mongo)

       ##write-host trying to connect to $DB.servername -foreground yellow
       ## convert passwords to secure string

       $vPass = $db.pwd
       $pass = $vPass  | ConvertTo-SecureString -asplaintext -force
       $user = "user name to server"

       ##create credential file
       $mycred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $user,$pass

      ## create ssh session  force it so no keygen issues

       $session = New-SSHSession -ComputerName $DB.Servername -credential $mycred -AcceptKey -force -ConnectionTimeout 30

       ## command to execute in SSH session..  this is the path to mongo

       $command = "/usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongo <dbname> --eval 'db.<collectionname>.find().pretty().forEach(printjson)'"
      ## run command on remote linux server

       $invokeOutput = Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId $($session.SessionId)  -Command "$($command)"
       ##filter results with specific criteria
       $mongoresult = $invokeOutput.Output -split '\n' | ?{$_ -match "DISASTER_RECOVERY"}
       ##parse results
       $final = ($mongoresult.Replace("`"",'')) -replace ",",''
         catch [Exception]
            #General Failure
            Write-Host GENERAL FAILURE! for $db.vcentername  -ForegroundColor Red
            <#When I want to know the full exception type:#>
            $errormessage =   $Error[0].Exception.Message  -replace "'","" 
            Write-Host $errormessage -BackgroundColor blue -ForegroundColor Yellow


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