SQLServerCentral Editorial

Data Vices


This piece was originally published on Dec 4, 2008. It is being re-run as Steve is away at SQL Saturday in Kansas City.

We're all human and all fallible. I think that it makes for an interesting world, but it also makes for many problems. Our interactions with each other are full of things that we enjoy about another person as well as things that annoy or frustrate us to know end.

For each of us it's probably not much different in how we feel about ourselves internally. We all have things that we wish we could do differently, want more (or less) self-control of how we behave and the perhaps more thought put into the decisions we make. It's a constant struggle, we're human, fallible, and we make mistakes. But that doesn't stop us from trying.

So for a Friday poll I wanted to ask about that. I know we could all go on about things that we don't like about others, but for something to get you to think about what you would change in your life...

What's the vice you wish you could control better?

Let's keep it clean and professional in the responses and try not to offend someone. And feel free to send me a note if you'd like something posted anonymously (Sjones at sqlservercentral dot com)

For me it's food. I think I to pretty well at work, and I try to exercise regularly. As of this writing, I've been running at least a mile a day, every day, for 80 days. It seems like I have pretty good control there.

But I drink too much coffee and soda, perhaps too much caffeine, and definitely my diet isn't the best it could be. That slows me down, it wrecks havoc with my blood sugar, which then affects my work. I am up and down, cranky or tired, and in makes me a lot less efficient than I could be. If I could control that, I think I'd be in much better shape, in all parts of my life.

I'm trying, and I hope you are having more luck than I at controlling whatever you wish.


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