Technical Article

Verify Directory Exists and Create if Necessary


This script will check to see if a directory exists and if it does not then it will create the directory. I did not create this as a stored procedure but it certainly could be. I tend to just place this as one of my job steps so I can create a backup file of an import file. I also run another script just like this one immediately afterwards but it looks to verify the month folder exists and creates it inside this year folder (both could easily be run together). And finally I run a script to move and rename my import file to the directorys verified and/or created for the current year and month.

--Create By:Doug Lineberry
--Create On:2005-03-07
--Purpose:This script will check to see if a directory exists and if it does not then it will create the directory.

declare @year Char(4)
declare @cmd sysname
declare @dir varchar(200)
declare @direxists int
select @year = DATEPART(YY, GETDATE())
set @dir = 'c:\Temp\'

create table GetDirDetails_temp
(subdirectory varchar(100),depth int)

insert into GetDirDetails_temp
(subdirectory, depth)
exec master..xp_dirtree @dir

set @direxists = (select count(*) from GetDirDetails_temp where subdirectory = @year and depth = 1)

-- * Check if direxists val = 1
if @direxists = 0
Raiserror('Directory of Current Year Does Not Exist',16,1) with seterror
set @cmd = 'mkdir ' + @dir + @year + '\'
exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, no_output
print 'Directory of Current Year Does Exist'
drop table GetDirDetails_temp


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