SQLServerCentral Article

SQLServerCentral.com Is Moving


SQLServerCentral.com is Moving!!

Physically that is, not on the Internet.

Actually, if I have any clue as to what I'm doing, most of you will not even notice we've moved. At least not negatively. Hopefully there will be a positive improvement in the service we're offering you. All that we ask is that you renew your membership and pay next year's dues at the same rate as this years, US$0, subscribe to the newsletter, and visit our advertisers 🙂

Actually we're excited. After scraping, struggling, and trying to get by at at least 4 different hosting facilities over the years, we've outgrown the T-1 that we were using for the site. Or rather, you've outgrown it with your support for our site. So we've negotiated and teamed up with Viawest to rent a cabinet with a whopping 5Mbps of bandwidth to accommodate our systems. Hopefully this will result in some better performance for everyone visiting the site and allow us to grow and offer even more services.

For better or worse, we decided a few years ago to own our won equipment. I'm personally one that likes to be able to touch and feel what I work on, so I like having the complete control. We've expanded from 1 server to 3 at this point and may go to a few more, so having the cabinet is a big plus for us.

Now the downside. We'll be offline, at least everything but a front page, for a few hours on Saturday, September 18th while I physically pack up the servers and drive them down to the Viawest facility in the Denver Tech Center. I'm planning on things going down around 11:00am MST and being back up by 4:00pm MST. At least that's what I hope and what I've told my wife 🙂

So look for no changes on Monday if I've done my job and thanks for your understanding.

Steve Jones


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