SQLServerCentral Editorial

A Fun Distraction


As we approach the Christmas holiday, this is a time when work usually slows down and many of us spend some time trying to relax and recharge away from the challenges and responsibilities we face in technology. Unless you work in an organization that looks to profit from the holiday, I suspect this is the slowest time of the year for you. Budgets haven't been decided for the new year and many of us aren't pressured with deadlines between Christmas and New Years.

Since lots of us might have some extra time, I thought I'd ask the question about what might entertain you across the next few weeks. I'm sure a few of you have some ideas, perhaps something to catch up on that might be geek related. I'm also guessing that some of you don't have any plans, and might be looking for something to entertain and distract you.

Today I'm asking you to share with everyone a way that you might spend some of your time away from work the next two weeks. Perhaps there's a science fiction book you've been wanting to read. Maybe there's a geeky movie or TV show that you'd like to see. Perhaps you're working on maker project that's fun, like building a drone, a clock, or some other technological gadget. Or maybe you're doing something non technical. Perhaps you've got a cooking project or a car improvement, or just want to learn how to open a lock.

I'll be traveling in Ireland for the next week with my family, so we likely won't be tackling any projects, but I am going to try and read The Three Body Problem, on a recommendation from my oldest. Other than that, if I find time, I might see if I can convince my family to watch some of the classic sci fi I haven't seen yet.

Have a great holiday, and share some of your ideas for leisure activities this week and I'll be back after Christmas.


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