Search results for "title"

Your search for "title" returned 100 results:

Technical Article

Format to title case

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I need to convert all the columns in a table from upper case to title case. Does anyone know how to do this? I know Access has a format function but I haven't found a way to do this in SQL. Thanks Angela

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Technical Article

SQL Data puller - good job title?

  • Topic

Hi all! I'm having some trouble finding the correct terminology for the job that I do. Basically, I use sql to pull and organize data for a team of analysts. We are called Data Analysts here, but looking around the job world, that's not really what we do. Dats Puller isn't a popular title with […]

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98 reads

Technical Article

how do I show sub report title on the main report?

  • Topic

I sure hope this makes sense:  I have one main report with three sub reports.  There are three links on the main report to each of the sub reports.  Clicking one of the links will display that sub report within the main report and only one sub report can be displayed at a time.  I […]

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351 reads

Technical Article

Restarting SQL Server Instance from SSMS Error

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Just installed a new SQL Server 2014 instance. When I try to restart the sql server instance in SSMS by right-clicking and choosing restart, I get the following error: TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ Unable to restart service MSSQL$SQLSERVER on server SQLSERVER. (mscorlib) ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The object invoked has disconnected from its […]

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Technical Article

Chart Title font-different styles (SSRS)

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Just got new request from Management- apply different fonts (size/color) for different Chart Title parts. For example, chart title is "Report Chart Title". Can we show word "Title" in different color and size? There is function button but frankly I have no clue how can I use it in this case? Any help is much […]

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Technical Article

Missing SSISDBBackup.bak

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Hello Team, My concern is as followed:I've built a project with SSDT 2015 then I would like to deploy the package it in SSMS 2016. However, the error message was that there was no SSISDB.I went to SSMS2016 to create the catalog (right-clicking - Integration Services Catalog). The error message was: TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management […]

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Technical Article

easy, very easy to answer

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STEP 2 (THIS IS FROM KHANACADEMY) Maybe your friends only like singing either recent songs or truly epic songs. Add another SELECT that uses OR to show the titles of the songs that have an 'epic' mood or a release date after 1990. CREATE TABLE songs ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, artist TEXT, […]

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Sharpen Your SQL Skills: June’s Challenge Awaits!


This June, LearnSQL is throwing down the gauntlet with a fresh SQL Practice challenge....

Denver Dev Day – Best Practices for Database Deployments Resources


I delivered a talk today on database deployment best practices at the Denver Dev...

A New Word: desanté


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The SQL Assessment API

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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By diponkar.paul

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DBCC CLONEDATABASE is Semi-Discontinued

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