Technical Article

Decimal to Binary Conversion for event scheduling


This procedure was written to create an event schedule
    where the schedule may have non-consecutive days.
    The input for the procedure is START DATE, END DATE, and DAYMAP
    The DAYMAP input parameter is a decimal number whose binary representation
    describes the schedule days over potentially a 4 week period (read from right to left).
    For example: 0000000000000001101100110110 Decimal 6966
    represents a schedule of (week#-Day): 1-Mon 1-Tue 1-Thu 1-Fri 2-Mon 2-Tue 2-Thu 2-Fri
    This examples is partitioned into 4 sessions (at least one day is skipped)
    This procedure determines the days of week for the schedule,
    session dates, and duration of each session.
    There are several print statements in the procedure so you can see some
    intermediate results.

-- Decimal to Binary conversion used for event scheduling
-- the following is example data which of course can be parameters to a stored procedure
@daymap int,
@begindt datetime,
@enddt datetime

select @daymap = 6966
select @begindt = 'May 30 2002  9:00AM'
select @enddt = 'Jun 3 2002  5:00PM'

-- end of example data

-- create temp table to hold session information

CREATE TABLE #sessions (
s_SessionStart datetime,
s_SessionEnds datetime,
s_TeachingDays money

declare@t int,
@thold int, 
@quotient int, 
@remainder int, 
@length int,
@tchar varchar(1),
@binchar varchar(28), 
@classdays varchar(255),
@dayscharmap varchar(28),
@daysmapindex int,
@dayliteral varchar(3),
@dayadder int,
@firstday int,
@weeknum int,
@sessions int,
@sessionstart datetime,
@sessionend datetime,
@sessionduration int,
@classindex int

declare @outline varchar(50)

select @t = @daymap
select @binchar = ""
select @dayscharmap = '7654321765432176543217654321'

/***** Convert daymap decimal number to binary representation *****/
while (@t >=1)


select @quotient = floor(@t/2)
select @remainder = @t - @quotient*2
select @t = @quotient
select @binchar = convert(varchar(1), @remainder) + @binchar
select @outline =  "Q " + convert(varchar(1), @quotient) + " R " + convert(varchar(1), @remainder) + " BC " + @binchar
--print @outline


select @binchar = right('0000000000000000000000000000' + rtrim(@binchar), 28)

/***** Determine Session Information *****/

select @length = datalength(@binchar)
select @t = @length 

select @firstday = 0
select @classdays = 'Class begins on ' + convert(varchar(20), @begindt, 1) + ' Last day of class is ' + convert(varchar(20), @enddt, 1) + ' Class meets on '
select @sessions = 1
select @classindex = 0

while @t > 0
select @tchar = substring(@binchar, @t, 1)
if @tchar = '1'
select @daysmapindex = convert(int, substring(@dayscharmap, @t , 1))
if @firstday = 0  
select @firstday = @t 
select @thold = @t
select @dayadder = 0 
select @outline = '-----------------' + convert(varchar(2), @sessions) + '-------------------------------'
print @outline
select @sessionstart = dateadd(day, @dayadder, @begindt)
select @sessionstart = convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), @sessionstart, 101))
select @outline = 'Session Start ' + convert(varchar(20), @sessionstart, 0)
print @outline
select @dayliteral = case @daysmapindex
when 1 then "Sun"
when 2 then "Mon"
when 3 then "Tue"
when 4 then "Wed"
when 5 then "Thu"
when 6 then "Fri"
when 7 then "Sat"
select @weeknum = case
when @t > 21  then 1
when @t > 14 and @t < 21 then 2
when @t > 7 and @t < 14 then 3
else 4
select @dayadder = @firstday - @t
select @classdays = @classdays + " " + convert(varchar(1), @weeknum) + "-" + @dayliteral + "(" + convert(varchar(2), @dayadder) + ")"
if @thold - @t > 1 
select @classindex = @firstday - @thold
--select @sessionend = dateadd(day, @dayadder - 1, @begindt)
select @sessionend = dateadd(day, @classindex, @begindt)
select @sessionend = convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), @sessionend, 101))
select @outline = 'Session End ' + convert(varchar(20), @sessionend, 0)
print @outline
select @sessionduration = datediff(day, @sessionstart, @sessionend) + 1
select @outline = 'Session Duration ' + convert(varchar(5), @sessionduration)
print @outline

/***** Insert Session Row *****/insert into #sessions values (

select @sessions = @sessions + 1
select @outline = '-----------------' + convert(varchar(2), @sessions) + '-------------------------------'
print @outline

select @sessionstart = dateadd(day, @dayadder, @begindt)
select @sessionstart = convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), @sessionstart, 101))
select @outline = 'Session Start ' + convert(varchar(20), @sessionstart, 0) 
print @outline

select @thold = @t

select @t = @t - 1
select @classindex = @firstday - @thold
select @sessionend = dateadd(day, @classindex, @begindt)
select @sessionend = convert(datetime, convert(varchar(10), @sessionend, 101))
select @outline = 'Session End ' + convert(varchar(20), @sessionend, 0)
print @outline
select @sessionduration = datediff(day, @sessionstart, @sessionend) + 1
select @outline = 'Session Duration ' + convert(varchar(5), @sessionduration)
print @outline
select @outline = '------------------------------------------------'
print @outline

/***** Insert Session Row *****/insert into #sessions values (

binstring = @binchar,
sessions = @sessions,
classdays = @classdays

select * from #sessions
drop table #sessions


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