Blog Post

Grabbing Fitbit Data


Recently the T-SQL Tuesday topic was Power BI. A cool topic, and an interesting application.

I saw Rob Farley build a dashboard based on his Fitbit data. That was intriguing, so I went to get my data. I’ve worn a Fitbit for a couple years, recently having lost it. However, when I went to export my data from Fitbit, I found this.

2016-02-17 10_46_02-Fitbit Data Raw Export

Notice two things. One is the top announcement that my data belongs to me. Then notice the bottom left note that I can get 31 days of data.

Jerks, but feel free to substitute another word yourself.

Then I found this Fitbit Data Export site. I connected and ran this, which grabbed my data. I appreciate there’s a Github link with the source code, though I have no idea of what’s in Github corresponds to what’s running in Azure. After reading The God’s Eye View, it’s a little nerve wracking to use a service to connect somewhere that I have data stored, but Fitbit exposes some of this publically anyways, and besides, it’s not critical data for me.

In any case, I had a CSV of my data, which I am now going to upload into Power BI and play with it. Adding a CSV is straightforward.

Filed under: Blog Tagged: data analysis, syndicated


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