Blog Post

PASS Summit 2009 - Wayne Snyder


The opening remarks of the first day are typically from the President of PASS. Wayne Snyder, the outgoing president started with a welcome, and then some facts and figures on the conference. From the PASS Press release:

  • 46 countries
  • 2,998 registrations

However that number lists 2,200 conference registrations, and 798 pre- or post-conference registrations. I think that of that 798, probably 798 of those people are attending the conferences, so it's a bit of double counting. I think that includes the Microsoft people as well, so the actual number of people and DBAs that are here is less. But it's still a great attendance level. Overall the attendance is down 9%, which is great. I would have thought it was much lower than that, so kudos to PASS Marketing for the efforts they put into promoting the conference.

The big reason I like the Summit in Seattle is this:

over 400 Microsoft SQL Server employees are here.

That's a lot of people, and you won't get that many Microsoft people at many events, maybe not even TechEd! I know people want to have the Summit on the East Coast, and I can understand that, but I also like the Microsoft presence. I'd really like to see a poll or vote of some sort on this. If enough people want the conferences

24 Hours of PASS

24 one hour sessions, running continuously around the clock. The event was great and it was one of the highlights in PASS history, at least in my opinion. Congrats and incredible props to Rick Heiges for putting that together. I participated, broadcasting live from the basement at the dkRanch. A few facts:

  • 50,123 registrations
  • 70 countries
  • 3.524 people

I had a great time, watched a couple sessions with great information in there and I hope that it happens again next year.

The SQL Server Standard

This was my baby, or at least Andy's, Brian's, and mine. We hatched this idea in 2003, on a trip I took to Orlando. We all met up with our families, and sitting at a table in a food court, my daughter asleep in a stroller nearby, the major blackout of the power system in the Northeast having taken place that Saturday evening and we sat there debating what type of magazine or journal we could launch.

We started it in conjunction with PASS and published it for 3 years. After the sale of SQLServerCentral, it became too much of an effort to continue, and we turned the entire publication over to PASS.

PASS stopped publishing it because of the cost of mailing, and I completely understand. The postage cost was over 50% of the total cost for each issue. That's a lot of money, and I understand the decision.

But it's back, under the guidance of Grant Fritchey and Andy Warren. The first article was recently published, and look for more coming. If you want to write for the Standard, send an abstract in.

The Summit

There's a Q&A session with the board of directors of PASS later this week. It's in Room 6E on Wednesday, 4:30-6:15. I'd encourage people to attend it. It's your chance to talk to the board and express your opinion.

If you don't want to do it in person, and I understand that, there's a suggestion box outside by the PASS booth. Fill something out and drop it in the box.

It's a great Summit that's planned, and apparently 40% of the attendees are new to the Summit for the first time. Words of wisdom from Wayne: No one should be a stranger.

So say hi to someone new, and if you are new, stop someone and ask them questions, or say hi, or ask advice about what is fun to do here in Seattle at the PASS Summit.


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