Blog Post

Long time, no posts

I was working on two publisher contracts at the same time. I highly recommend never doing that. One is done, though, and it’s officially published as of September 2022....


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Free Advanced SQL Course for June: Don’t Miss Out!


Summer is here, and it's the perfect opportunity to enhance your SQL expertise with...

How to give developers access to Query Store


Let’s have devs look at their own query performance. Yes, please, sign me up...

Sharpen Your SQL Skills: June’s Challenge Awaits!


This June, LearnSQL is throwing down the gauntlet with a fresh SQL Practice challenge....

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Ledger Feature In Sql Server 2022

By rogue1009

Hi All, Wonder if someone can clear something up for me and let me...

The name of column index 9 is empty ADF

By erics44

Hi I am brand new to Data Factory I am getting the following error...

How to set execution timeout in SSMS for SQL Server Programmatically

By IT researcher

I want to set the execution timeout in SSMS Connection properties on the 'Connect...

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The SQL Assessment API

What is the SQL Assessment API?

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