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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Have a “no screens” night

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Gathering Data Through Life

Every once in a while, I find a list of places posted on the Internet with a "how many have you visited?" question attached. This might be US states, countries, cities, or even attractions. I love traveling with my wife and having new experiences, and as we've gotten older, we value the experiences more than any physical things. It's something that I hope we've passed on to our children as well.

My wife and I have been very blessed and have been able to travel a bit in life, though not as much as we would have liked with three children and a ranch of horses. We made it a goal about 6 years ago to try and visit a new country every year and experience life in another culture. The pandemic limited our travel for a few years, but we are starting to make plans to travel a bit more and gather some data for our minds.

We don't actually get data to store in a database, but rather experience life, see and hear things, taste new foods, and hear new languages. The database in our brain gets a few inserts, although I'm not sure of the long-term retention and accuracy of those memories. A few bits get stored in the form of pictures, and one of the reasons I do like social media is that I'll get reminded of times gone past on a regular basis.

Today, I'm wondering what data you might wish to gather through experiences? Is there something you have on a bucket list that you are hoping to experience in the next few years? This could be a place or an event. Perhaps there's a concert or an event to experience. Skiing somewhere? Completing a class? Eating at an amazing restaurant? If you're looking for inspiration, Brent Ozar has a list in his Epic Life Quest.

I've included a list of places below from the list that inspired this piece, and I have a longer list of places on my blog, but let us know what dreams you have to experience something in life.

How many of these cities have you visited? (18 for me)

  • New York
  • Toronto
  • Tokyo
  • Bangkok
  • Melbourne
  • Mumbai
  • Hong Kong
  • Beirut
  • Cairo
  • Moscow
  • London
  • Munich
  • Rome
  • Copenhagen
  • Berlin
  • Milan
  • Kiev
  • Los Angeles
  • Sao Paolo
  • Istanbul
  • Montreal
  • Beijing
  • Singapore
  • Abu Dhabi
  • Casablanca
  • Dublin
  • Prague
  • Barcelona
  • Amsterdam
  • Budapest
  • Athens
  • Manila
  • Las Vegas
  • Vancouver
  • Jakarta
  • Shanghai
  • Cape Town
  • Stockholm
  • Paris
  • Vienna
  • Glasgow
  • Osaka
  • Taipei
  • Miami
  • Santiago
  • Seoul
  • Dubai
  • Lagos
  • Warsaw
  • Lisbon
  • Auckland
  • Hanoi
  • Honolulu
  • Perth
  • New Delhi
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Chicago
  • Zagreb

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Azure Data Studio and Version Control

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from SQLServerCentral

This article examines how you can use Azure Data Studio with your git Version Control System.

External Article

Finding deeper insights with Topic Modeling

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Topic modeling can be used to find more detailed insights into text than a word cloud can provide. Sanil Mhatre walks you through an example using Python.

External Article

Webinar | Gain the competitive edge with a monitoring tool

Additional Articles from Redgate

Robust database monitoring is at the heart of ensuring business continuity, customer satisfaction and protected revenue, and this webinar with Chris Yates, Senior Vice President, Managing Director of Data and Architecture at Republic Bank, will clearly demonstrate why.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How to Deploy Azure Logic Apps with ARM and Azure Devops

Koen Verbeeck from Koen Verbeeck

It’s easy to duplicate an Azure Logic App in a resource group, but unfortunately you cannot duplicate a Logic App between environments (you might try to copy paste the...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Setting Up SQL Audit for STIG Compliance

Tracy Boggiano from Database Superhero’s Blog

Recently I spent months of my lift working on STIG and CIS compliance at my job and one of those tasks was setting up SQL Audit for STIG.  Now,...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Managed Instance Automatic Tuning

Which of these actions for automatic tuning are available in Azure SQL Managed Instance (as of Mar 2022)?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Unicode Compression

Under which circumstances is Unicode compression not supported?

Answer: On nvarchar(max) data always

Explanation: Unicode compression is not supported for nvarchar(max) data whether in row or off row. Ref: Unicode Compression Implementation -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
NT Authority/System User failed to open Model database - Hi, I am seeing messages every day failed to open explicitly specified database model for the user NT Authority/System  [Client: Local machine]. We don't have any jobs that run with that NT Authority/System . All jobs are running as sa only. I verified that there are no linked servers created. We have the 3rd party […]
Transaction log growth - Index Manintenance jobs & Database functional jobs - Hello SQL Experts, I saw some messages stating that transactional log is full. We have a database, we didn't enable the auto growth. We have Hallengren Index job running & some other jobs running at the same. How can we calculate the transactional log  required for the Index maintenance job? How can we ruled out […]
Replication Monitor - After you set up the replication, do you need to manually add each publisher server in the replication monitor? In one of the environment when I open the replication monitor I can able to see the replication status. In other environment when I open the replication monitor it is not showing any thing. So I […]
DBCC CHeck Dbs - Hi, We have about 30 SQL Server instances. I didn't see any DBCC Check DB jobs are scheduled. What will be the impact? How do you manage to run DBCC Check db  in very large production databases? Thanks,  
SQL Server 2017 - Development
SignByCert returning signature of length 264 byte for 2048 bit key - We have recently migrated to SQL Server 2017 (64 bit - version: 14.0.1000.169 - Host OS: Windows Server 2016 Datacenter). I created the test certificate in database and used it to sign sample text. The SQL method SignByCert returned signature of length 264 bytes. Ideally I expect the signature size should be length of mod […]
How to questions on SRRS - Hi Experts, This is the extract of the book from Teo Lachev, Applied Power BI.  I am trying to follow. I have SMMS but never had SRRS, never used it. I was not able to find Sql server Installation center so I proceeded to install stand alone. I could now figure out how to get […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Updating Current table w next day's data while keeping only previous date data - I have a table that I get on the 1st of each month, and it has all the jobs scheduled for the entire month:   SELECT [plannedstart] ,[plannedend] ,[machine] ,[Job] ,[Qty] FROM ScheduleJobs   Day 1: The table has all the jobs scheduled for the entire month (Original Table) Days 2: I get another table […]
How to get the first and last dates of all the months of the current year. - Hello, I'm trying to get the first and last dates of all the months based on the current year. 1/1/2022 1/31/2022 2/1/2022 2/28/2022 3/1/2022 3/31/2022 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Find Maximum Qty of fruits (regardless of fruit) which could be bought by $50 - Find Maximum Qty of fruits (regardless of fruit) which could be bought by $50 accounting for the total qty available in each scenario. Final result query just need the qty IF OBJECT_ID (N'tempdb..#TEMP1', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TEMP1 CREATE TABLE #TEMP1 ( Product VARCHAR(20), QtyAvailableToPurchase INT, Price DECIMAL(10,2) ) INSERT INTO #TEMP1 (Product,QtyAvailableToPurchase,Price) […]
SQL 2012 - General
The most basic SQL question ever... - I'm new. Fairly new to SQL. Can I query data that is saved on my desktop in Excel format without importing the data to the server? And if so, how? I'm using SQL Server Management Studio if that matters. Sorry, I feel dumb even asking this.
Bulk Insert / (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) - Dear friends, I need your help and expertise. I'm trying to import several log files into a table but after I created a configuration file, I can't import a single record, because for some reason this doesn't understand my datetimes (2 values) saying that something is incorrect, an invalid character, I tried to remove the […]
Reporting Services
Data Driven Subscription - Where is the data source of the dataset stored? - For a data-driven subscription, you define a dataset which returns information that can be used by the report. For that report you have to define a data source. Does anyone know where that information is stored for a specific subscription? If I look in the [dbo].[Subscriptions] table, the [DataSettings] column contains the actual query being […]
SSRS 2016
SSRS 2016 - Headings in Subreports being removed in render - Hi All, Thanks for the input in advance.  I’ve created a main report which features multiple sub reports.  Each sub report is in a box so that it can have a page break at the end of each report.  This is so that each report can appear on a separate sheet in Excel once it’s […]
BitBucket, who does the Merge? - Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but here we go: For those of you using BitBucket, Who does your Merge of the branch to production? We have a set up where we have one person(not really one person a group), not a Developer, that does our 'move to server' for […] Test Forum
Testing BB Formatting here... - It !!! [style size="30px"]does it?[/style] That worked.  Size is 32 there.  Size by px doesn't work.  Probably a good thing in this day and age. Notes to self: PRE and CODE are just monospaced and don't retain leading spaces even if they're pasted as non-breakable spaces.  CODE pretty much makes a train-wreck by encapsulating each […]


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