Technical Article

Restore database from a device containing multiple backups


If you have multiple backup database backups on a single SQL Server 2008 R2 backup device, this script will help you restore a database from the LATEST full and differential backups residing on that backup device.

If this script is to be used for restoring a SQL Server 2005 database, please remove "CompressedBackupSize" from the CREATE temporary table statement.

The following page contains a stored proc script for restoring all databases from a number of backup files:

I used information on the above page in constructing my "CREATE TABLE #RestoreHeaderOnlyData" script.

Script to restore the LATEST full and differential backups from a SQL Server 2008 R2 backup device.
If this script is to be used for restoring a SQL Server 2005 database, please remove "CompressedBackupSize" from the temporary table
--1. Create a temporary table for holding backup header information
IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#RestoreHeaderOnlyData') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #RestoreHeaderOnlyData
CREATE TABLE #RestoreHeaderOnlyData( 
BackupName NVARCHAR(128) 
,BackupDescription NVARCHAR(255) 
,BackupType smallint 
,ExpirationDate datetime 
,Compressed tinyint 
,Position smallint 
,DeviceType tinyint 
,UserName NVARCHAR(128) 
,ServerName NVARCHAR(128) 
,DatabaseName NVARCHAR(128) 
,DatabaseVersion INT 
,DatabaseCreationDate datetime 
,BackupSize numeric(20,0) 
,FirstLSN numeric(25,0) 
,LastLSN numeric(25,0) 
,CheckpointLSN numeric(25,0) 
,DatabaseBackupLSN numeric(25,0) 
,BackupStartDate datetime 
,BackupFinishDate datetime 
,SortOrder smallint 
,CodePage smallint 
,UnicodeLocaleId INT 
,UnicodeComparisonStyle INT 
,CompatibilityLevel tinyint 
,SoftwareVendorId INT 
,SoftwareVersionMajor INT 
,SoftwareVersionMinor INT 
,SoftwareVersionBuild INT 
,MachineName NVARCHAR(128) 
,Flags INT 
,BindingID uniqueidentifier 
,RecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier 
,Collation NVARCHAR(128) 
,FamilyGUID uniqueidentifier 
,HasBulkLoggedData INT 
,IsSnapshot INT 
,IsReadOnly INT 
,IsSingleUser INT 
,HasBackupChecksums INT 
,IsDamaged INT 
,BeginsLogChain INT 
,HasIncompleteMetaData INT 
,IsForceOffline INT 
,IsCopyOnly INT 
,FirstRecoveryForkID uniqueidentifier 
,ForkPointLSN numeric(25,0) 
,RecoveryModel NVARCHAR(128) 
,DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0) 
,DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier 
,BackupTypeDescription NVARCHAR(128) 
,BackupSetGUID uniqueidentifier 
,CompressedBackupSize BIGINT 

--2. Collect header information FROM the backup device into a temporary table
INSERT INTO #RestoreHeaderOnlyData 
EXEC('RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK = ''\\servername\foldername\BackupDeviceName.bak''') 

--3. Complete database restore from the latest FULL backup; 
--NORECOVERY is specified so that roll back not occur. This allows additional backups to be restored. 
DECLARE @File smallint
SELECT @File = MAX(Position) 
FROM #RestoreHeaderOnlyData 
WHERE DatabaseName = 'SomeDatabase' 
    AND BackupTypeDescription = 'Database'

FROM DISK = N'\\servername\foldername\BackupDeviceName.bak' 
WITH FILE = @File, 
    MOVE N'SomeDatabase' TO N'E:\Data_NI1\SomeDatabase.mdf', 
    MOVE N'SomeDatabase_log' TO N'E:\Log_NI1\SomeDatabase.ldf', NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10, NORECOVERY

--4. Next: Restore the latest differential database backup
--If log backups are to be restored, specify NORECOVERY in this step also
--Then use RESTORE LOG to restore logs in the correct sequence 
--Specify RECOVERY in the last RESTORE LOG statement

DECLARE @File smallint
SELECT @File = MAX(Position) 
FROM #RestoreHeaderOnlyData 
WHERE DatabaseName = 'SomeDatabase' 
    AND BackupTypeDescription = 'Database Differential'
RESTORE DATABASE [SomeDatabase] FROM DISK = N'\\servername\foldername\BackupDeviceName.bak'
    WITH FILE = @File, 
    MOVE N'SomeDatabase' TO N'E:\Data_NI1\SomeDatabase.mdf', 
    MOVE N'SomeDatabase_log' TO N'E:\Log_NI1\SomeDatabase.ldf', 


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