Technical Article

Change column collations back to database default


This script will create a single-line ALTER TABLE statement for each column in any table to change the collation to match the 'database default'. This is best accomplished in the Query Analyzer -- simply run the script, select all the records, and paste them into a new window to run them.

SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ['+USER_NAME(o.uid)+'].['+o.[name]+'] ALTER COLUMN ['+c.[name]+'] '+
WHEN c.prec IS NULL THEN t.[name]
ELSE t.[name]+'('+CONVERT(varchar(5),c.prec)+')'
END+' COLLATE '+t.collation
FROM syscolumns c
JOIN sysobjects o ON ( =
JOIN systypes t ON (c.xusertype = t.xusertype)
WHERE c.collation IS NOT NULL
AND o.type = 'U' -- NOT IN ('P','FN','TF','IF','S','V')
AND c.collation <> t.collation
ORDER BY o.[name]


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