
External Article

Baselining with SQL Server Dynamic Management Views

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When you're monitoring SQL Server, it's better to capture a baseline for those aspects that you're checking, such as workload, Physical I/O or performance. Once you know what is normal, then performance tuning and resource provisioning can be done in a timely manner before any problems becomes apparent. We can prevent problems by being able to predict them. Louis shows how to get started.


4,688 reads

Technical Article

Capturing Baselines on SQL Server: Wait Statistics

  • Stairway Step

By capturing baseline data, a well-prepared DBA should get a good idea of what potential issues they will face. In this article Erin Stellato looks at Wait Statistics and what they can tell you about your databases.

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2020-06-30 (first published: )

19,263 reads

Technical Article

Capturing Baselines on SQL Server: Where's My Space?

  • Stairway Step

In this article, we'll tackle the topic of monitoring disk space usage. By tracking how much is in use and how much is still available, over time we'll have the data we need for better capacity planning, and can ensure that a database won't ever run out of disk space.

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Technical Article

Back to Basics: Capturing Baselines on Production SQL Servers

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If you have not been capturing baselines on your production servers, then today is the day you can start. This article provides scripts, valid for SQL Server 2005 and higher, which anyone can use to capture basic information about a SQL Server instance.

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2020-06-30 (first published: )

36,521 reads

Technical Article

5 Reasons You Must Start Capturing Baseline Data

  • Stairway Step

It is widely acknowledged within the SQL Server community that baselines represent valuable information that DBAs should capture. Unfortunately, very few companies manage to log and report on this information, and DBAs are then forced to troubleshoot from the hip and scramble to find evidence to prove that the database is not the problem. This article will make a compelling argument for why DBAs must start capturing baseline information, and will create a roadmap for subsequent posts.

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2020-06-30 (first published: )

21,330 reads


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Question of the Day

The "ORDER BY" clause behavior

Let’s consider the following script that can be executed without any error on both SQL Sever and PostgreSQL. We define the table t1 in which we insert three records:

create table t1 (id int primary key, city varchar(50));

insert into t1 values (1, 'Rome'), (2, 'New York'), (3, NULL);
If we execute the following query, how will the records be sorted in both environments?
select city

from t1

order by city;

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