Blog Post

Attending VTUG at Gillette Stadium Tomorrow


If you’re in the Boston area tomorrow, I urge you to go to this year’s Virtualization Technology Users Group (VTUG) Winter Warmer event tomorrow at Gillette Stadium. It’s better than a regional VMUG, and not just VMware specific. It’s covering all things infrastructure, virtualization, and cloud, and it’s held at the stadium to boot! It’s a great event, and I’ll be there in the afternoon at the Microsoft booth answering questions on virtualization, cloud, and business-critical apps!

VTUG Winter Warmer

When: January 19, 8:00am to 6:00pm

Location: Gillette Stadium, Patriot Place, Foxboro MA (GPS 1 Patriot Place)

Register now – for FREE – and I’ll see you there tomorrow!


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