Blog Post

September 2014 Las Vegas UG Meeting


Who is up for a little free learning this week? Besides the opulence and feast that was the 24 Hours of PASS (Summit Preview), we have more training in store for you from the people in Las Vegas. Let’s call this a preview for next week which happens to be DevConnections (which also happens to be in Vegas)!!

The Las Vegas User Group is happy to announce our monthly meeting.  The meeting is available for in person and webinar style.  The start time is 6:30 PM Pacific and the details are listed in this post.  We hope to see you there!


Abstract: PowerShell: The Way of the DBA Dragon

In this introduction to PowerShell, attendees will learn how to start from scratch with PowerShell 3.0 or newer, use the pipeline, run T-SQL against multiple instances, use transcripts, and be shown martial arts usage of one of the SQLPSX cmdlets.  Scripts will be provided.


Lars Rasmussen was born in Illinois, but considers Utah home.  He does not play video games, is learning to camp and hike, and is happy to have shared the summit of Mt. Timpanogos with two of his sons.  Lars’ wife and four children help him smile and laugh, and the family dog is teaching him patience.  Playing board games is one his favorite pastimes.  He considers SQL Server, PowerShell, and CMD.EXE some of his dearest frenemies.  Lars enjoys the company of SQL Server professionals and sysadmins – he used to be one of the latter, and is employed as a database administrator for HealthEquity.

LiveMeeting Info

Attendee URL

Meeting ID: MR7C92


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