Blog Post

Another Presentation Down


This evening I had the opportunity to once again give a presentation at our local SQL Uses Group (SSSOLV).  I went into the presentation with the hope of trying to encourage participation and group discussion.

I think the presentation started off a little shaky for a couple of reasons.  I had sent out an email requesting additional info to help prep for the presentation – however, I sent it late which impacted the feedback.  I also didn’t review the PASS Monthly slide deck and sort of shot from the hip going through that stuff.

Despite that, the presentation went well.  I had several people give good feedback.  They liked the presentation!!  Participation really went well and it felt more like a conversation than a presentation – that is a good thing.

Probably the best thing to come from the presentation was the resounding support in favor of trying to get a SQLSaturday down here.  With that info, it looks like I will be starting the process to host a SQLSaturday and organize it from our side.

Another benefit to be derived from this presentation is a growing warmup that has been happening with the group.  Each presentation I have given has improved in group participation.  That would be coming from both sides – I am sure.  Going back to some of my early blogs about participating in the Local User’s Groups, I want to reiterate how good it feels to participate.  I am glad I have had the opportunities to present.


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