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DevOps and Visual Studio


The hardest part about implementing DevOps is not the tools you choose, but the processes you use to make DevOps work. That said, you do need to think about the tools you’re going to use to automate those processes. Frequently the emphasis is on third party tools, but it doesn’t always have to be. Microsoft’s Visual Studio has a number of tools that you can use to automate your DevOps methods.

Visual Studio Team Services

Connecting a project into Team Services opens up the world of DevOps pretty handily. You can host this all locally and do an install to a server to support it. With more and more of us working with teams that span continents and oceans, it probably makes more sense to use the online version. There’s a lot less to install (agents on some machines to manage processes, but that’s about it). You’ll still have to do all the work of setting up projects, teams, workflows, etc. In short, the hard work is still there. You just avoid having to do software installs & updates. Service oriented team management and development surely does have a lot to recommend it.

Set up Source control easily through GitHub. You can also use the older TFS source control. Personally, I’ve joined the cool kids (admittedly, late) and now use Git.


You manage the team and work assignments through the built-in team management system. This includes bug tracking and other types of requests. It actually makes it possible to treat your DevOps system as a full circle. You log issues from Production back into the Dev management system. These changes are then implemented and deployed using the same process you’d use for new or modified functionality.


Automate your builds pulling from the appropriate place in source control. Include unit testing as necessary. Add additional steps to your build process to support things like backups or security management.


Deployments can be set up to fire manually or through automated fashion across multiple different environments. You can customize these environments for your own process. So, setting up a continuous integration environment that does a deployment each time a successful build concludes is easy. All this is managed through the same set of interfaces (automated through Powershell). You can also schedule deployments to test systems or whatever else you need. You get to configure the lot with parameters and as many steps as are necessary to get your code out the door.


Finally, you can build out multiple different testing schemes so that you run different types of tests in different environments to help automate the whole process.

And 3rd Party Tools

If all that’s not enough, add from an assortment of third party tools to support your processes. I especially recommend you examine the third party products in support of database development, ReadyRoll & SQL Source Control (migrations-based and state-based deployments) from Redgate. You’ll also find plug-ins for a lot of the standard CI & Release Management tools such as TeamCity and Octopus so you can integrate your processes in different ways as needed.


Starting down the DevOps path, you should be focused first on your processes. However, when you’re ready to look at tools to automate those processes, you can easily stick to Visual Studio to get the job done. Just remember that the most important aspect of DevOps is communication and you’ll find that Team Services will help you facilitate that communication nicely.

The post DevOps and Visual Studio appeared first on Grant Fritchey.


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