Blog Post

TSQL Tuesday - What SQL Community Means To Me


Today is Tuesday, and its time for another edition of TSQL Tuesday #36, as we continue the eternal blog party started a quantum ago by SQL MVP Adam Machanic (Blog | Twitter).  Every first Tuesday of every month we have a different subject to blog about, and a different host to bring us our TSQL Tuesday Topic.  Today's host Chris Yates (Blog | Twitter), brings us a timely topic on the heels of the ultra-successful SQLPass Summit 2012 - the world's largest and most intensive technical training conference for Microsoft SQL Server and BI professionals. 

So, the topic of choice, "What Does the Community Mean To You?", is one very near and dear to me, and one that's I've written about many times before.  I consider myself a SQLCommunity guy, and somewhat of an evangelist, and am very grateful to have become part of the SQL Server Community.  I have met many (not enough) wonderful folks through my writings, blogs, presentations, community events and forums.  It is such a unique bunch of diverse and talented individuals with common interests in the SQL Industry, but also a wider array of personalities, politics, hobbies, interests and cultural backgrounds.  This makes for amazing conversations beyond that of SQL Server.  One of the greatest things about our community, is that despite the diversity in all of the aforementioned, it is the ties that bind us, and that is #SQLFamily.  Indeed, when we have the fortunate opportunity to get together, such as at events like PASS, SQLSaturday, SQLIntheCity, etc., etc. it's like one big extended family.

It's not only the fact of getting together to banter about, learn new technologies, network, and have fun, but it's the rewards that come afterwards that allows us to rely on and tap one another for knowledge, career-advice, coaching, and collaborating.  And, when one of us is down, like the legendary character of SQLBif, SQLCommunity has is redeeming qualities. Read the last installment of SQLBif's adventures, SQLBif Gets A Job - SQLCommunity Redeemed.

So, when the chips are down, and perhaps you're on the sidelines, or between gigs, someone eventually comes through.  This was evident for myself as well, when I had a major project shutdown, and had so many on the look out for new opportunities and business.  I finally was able to get back into the swing of things, and very grateful that through the SQLCommunity, I have met some special peeps that pulled me through and even got me up on a new project!  (You know who you are 🙂

Even before all that, I instantly knew the invaluable value (did I coin a new term 🙂 of the SQLCommunity.  Sometime back, I was granted the opportunity to write a guest editorial for SQLServerCentral, entitled, We Are Not Alone.  In this editorial, I basically opine that the we are a dynamic community of SQL Professionals at all levels.  I shared my thoughts then, on what SQLCommunity means to me.  You can click on the above-entitled link, but here is an excerpt:

As DBA’s and BI professionals, we are never truly alone. We are all part of the larger SQL Server community. Most are everyday professionals at all levels – from the college grad, entry-level and junior DBA, to the Sr. DBA/SME, and MVP. Some of the MVP’s are more well-known than others, but the point I’m trying to make is that we’re all in the same demographic dynamic, that of a SQL Server professional. Through the explosion of the Internet, we have an enormous pool of information and community forums and events at our fingertips.

And so, the dynamic has not changed much, just that we grew even larger with more and more folks joining the fold.  I've seen junior and midlevel dba's donating there time and presenting at various SQLSaturdays, generously sharing their knowledge and giving back to the community that brought them where they are today. Many of them are true professionals with a spirit and enthusiasm that captures the imagination of SQL Server gurus and technologists alike.  They are the rising stars and the future SQL MVPs, many of them who deserve the recognition.

But, doesn't matter who you are, when you wish upon's just that everyone can teach, learn, laugh and give to one another in a variety of ways.  The community is family - #SQLFamily.  That's why we even have our own hashtag 😉 In a similar exercise, back on a particular meme Monday, I blogged about What SQLFamily Means to Me

One of my fond observances, besides the comaderie and such, is that not only do we do SQL together, we meet together,  we tweet together, we eat together, we drink together, we sail together, we run together - a truly wonderful and world-wide experience in the 21st century.  Long live the SQLCommunity! In the words of the of another tight-knit community, "Cosa Nostra til we die ;-)"  - translated as "this thing of ours". (Please don't send me any dead fish)  Cheers to the SQLCommunity, and this thing of ours! 

Thanks to Chris for hosting this round of TSQL Tuesday! You can check out his blog at The SQLCorner

I'm SQL Server MVP, Robert Pearl, and ask you to follow me on twitter @Pearlknows

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