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Next Up 70-432


As a self-taught developer, I’ve never really given any credence to certifications.  Certifications in the development arena seem like a way to certify someone knows how the company wants you to use their latest and greatest features, but doesn’t really test the underlying knowledge about why to use those features, or what the alternatives may be.   As I move my way more into the SQL side of things my views have changed quite a bit.

I can actually remember the first time I actively started thinking about getting certified in SQL.  It was back in March of 2010 at SQL Saturday Tampa #110.  As I sat through the various sessions and read the speakers bios I saw MCITP, MCM and other credential indicating acronyms, and then I started following them on Twitter and reading their Blogs.

If was after taking in the info, learning about the SQL community, that I started to understand that the type of person who would get these certifications are truly knowledgable about their craft.  Most of these folks don’t get it to put on a résumé, or add it to a business card, they get the certification to prove to themselves there isn’t something in this product that they are missing.  They get the certification as a base level of knowledge and use it as a compass of where to keep learning.

While my ideas started to shift that day, it wasn’t until 2013 that I actually sat for my first test (70-433), which I *ALMOST* passed with no studying.  Granted this is not the most economical way to gauge your readiness for the certification, I did have a Second Shot voucher and was able to take it again and passed with flying colors.   I followed that success with a quick passing of the 70-451 to round out my  MCITP: SQL Server Developer 2008 certification last July.

Tomorrow I will sit for the first of two test for my MCITP: SQL Server Administration 2008, with the second test (if I pass) coming up next week.  Unlike my first test, I’m ready for this one: practice test passed, weak areas studied and a good solid feeling going in.

Come back next week and check to see if you see a new certification in the top corner of the page, if not, feel free to email and tweet ridicule my way for being less than stellar.



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