Blog Post

Updating TSqlModels (DacFx)


This one is for the DacFx nuts out there, it can't be a very big club but judging from the occasional emails I get about it, the quality is very high ha ha.

If you have a TSqlModel and you want to make a change to it, you have a couple of choices:

- Create a new model and copy over everything

- Use AddOrUpdateScript

AddOrUpdate can only update scripts that you add (i.e. Know the name of) so if you get the model from a dacpac you are out of luck.

I recently wanted to remove a file from a model I created so what I ended doing was to re-add a script with this contents:


I didn't try an empty file but this let me remove objects from the model quite nicely.

On another note I found something quite interesting that I missed when building a model.

When you parse a script you get a list of parse errors and the script object, you can add the script object to the model and call validate and even though you got parse errors the model validate might still pass (or parse waa haa haa haaaa).

The total errors are script parse errors plus model validation errors which seems obvious now but I missed it.

Hope it helps someone.

Happy DacFx'ing everyone!



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