Blog Post

SQL People Events - TED for SQL Server


When I first saw Andy Leonard's post about a new SQL People event, I was intrigued. It's not a training event, but it is primarily around Microsoft SQL Server. And it's purpose is to inspire. I've seen this before. It's called TED. And I like TED. TED talks are about "ideas worth spreading," if you visit the website. Some of the talks are absolutely, mind-boggingly simple, like this one about getting people access to safe drinking water. Ideas are powerful. They spur us onto action. They give us focus and motivation. So the idea of having an ideas-based conference for SQL Server sounds great. Training is great. If I didn't believe in training, I wouldn't be actively part of a team doing SQL Saturdays and Code Camps (Columbia Code Camp for 2011 date to be announced). But I think this hits a new area where we can certainly grow.

As a result, I'm really looking forward to seeing how this first SQL People event turns out. Generating ideas for innovation and improvement within the SQL Server technology space (and related technology fields) will only serve to make us better technologists. We need training, yes, but we need to develop and discuss ideas, too.



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